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Top 10 Mega Man classic series robot masters that best represent the great Midwest city of Chicago [top ten]
12/15/23, 00:52 Edited: 01/22/24, 01:53
 Sure, all of America loves baseball, but how many other cities have two MLB teams? (The answer is only two cities, if we want to be technical, and I do.) In Chicago it is very common to be asked whether you like the White Sox or the Cubs more, and this isn't just an innocuous question, your answer carries with it a hint at where you probably grew up (White Sox = southside, Cubs = northside). This in itself can carry a lot of (sometimes unwarranted) assumptions about class, blue collar versus white collar, etc. When the two teams play each other, the White Sox / Cubs rivalry (aka the Crosstown Classic) is one of the biggest sporting events in the city. Chicago baseball is serious business!  (To be honest I don't personally care about baseball at all, but it deserves a spot on the list.)
Late one night, when we were all in bed, Old Mother Leary left a lantern in the shed, And when the cow kicked it over, she winked her eye and said, "There'll be a hot time, on the old town, tonight." FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!Do you recognize that song? If you're from Chicago you do, and were probably humming the tune while reading the words. Sure, Mrs. O'Leary was (eventually) exonerated, but the fact remains that in 1871 someone, (or something), started a fire that got out of control, ultimately destroying roughly one-third of Chicago, killing hundreds and leaving nearly 100,000 people homeless. It became known as the Great Chicago Fire.  We even named a sport's team after it! Because that is how you remember a tragedy, I guess.  Also there is this long-running TV show which I've never watched.  Suffice to say, the Great Chicago Fire is a monumental part of Chicago's history.
12/15/23, 00:52 Edited: 01/22/24, 01:53 |
Zero said:Also there is this long-running TV show which I've never watched. |
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