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The heroine is Ripple, an apprentice witch, who is tasked with tracking down six demons she accidentally released. She's accompanied by two "star maidens", which act as options and have their own firepower. Because they absorb certain low-level bullets, they can also be used as a method of defense. Ripple technically only has a single life, but she also has an expansive life bar, as well as backup hearts, which are activated by double-tapping the fire button and refill your health. Dying will send you back to the beginning of the stage, regardless of whether you have any backup hearts left.
Ripple can equip herself with nine different weapons, including the rapid fire "Balkan" (a cutesy rendition of "Vulcan"), 3-Way, wave beams, homing attacks, and the super powerful x4. The stars can only be equipped with two other types of weapons ・the Cracker Ball and Cyclone. Destroyed enemies will drop crystals, which can be used at the shops, which are staffed by the same pumpkin head guy.
Between the large life meter, constant health refills (both purchased and dropped by enemies) and backup hearts, Magical Chase becomes a pretty easy game. Some of the bosses later on have some incredibly tricky shot patterns, and having all of this backup health lets you absorb most of the damage.
A decade after its original PC Engine release, Magical Chase was ported to the Game Boy Color courtesy of Micro Cabin, who gave it the subtitle Minarai Mahoutsukai Kenja no Tani e, which means "The Apprentice Witch Travels to Philosopher's Valley". The highest difficulty level is gone, and instead adds hint screens. The shopkeeper has also been changed to a cute girl. The graphics and music are degraded obviously, and the screen proportions are different, but in spite of this, it's fantastic port, and even maintains the parallax scrolling.
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