This was first announced in 2010 as a first-person shooter simply going by the name "XCOM". The initial reveal trailer was heavily criticized, for again trying to make a shooter with the X-COM name (after the widely-reviled X-COM: Enforcer), and not appearing to have any relation with the X-COM series whatsoever outside of being about humans fighting aliens. "XCOM" received multiple heavy game revisions and redesigns, until it was finally reintroduced in mid-2013 as a third-person squad-based shooter by the name of "The Bureau: XCOM Declassified".
This prequel to XCOM: Enemy Unknown takes place in the 1960s, and concerns the roots of the XCOM organization that would later be the collective main protagonists of Enemy Unknown. It released to mixed reviews, with one of the most common complaints being that the game felt short and under-developed.
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