Discuss Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 in its
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I'm downloading the title as we speak. I'm expecting to write a review along the lines of "oh gads, why did I put my faith into a Tecmo-Koei multiplat?" but considering they did a good job with Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge for the Wii U (and despite them having done a horrible job with Warriors Orochi for any system) Nintendo's heavy endorsement, plus the fact that a friend of mine got me into Fist of the North Star way back when and I'd not stopped being a fan since, were the two points that pushed this game off the fence into "buy and review" territory. I figure this game will be the tiebreaker as to whether Tecmo-Koei games will be worth supporting on the Wii U, or whether T-K would better be left to hone their skills on the other systems with less discriminating audiences for another generation.
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