Discuss ZombiU in its
official discussion thread!
Formerly known as
Killer Freaks From Outer Space, Ubisoft brings the most survival-horrorest game ever seen to the Wii U later this year, scaring the pants off of everyone everywhere. This game is full of gore, and
definitely not for children or the faint of heart.
Set in London, England, players must do their best to survive a zombie outbreak; if they don't, they are dead. This sounds to be one of the most difficult games in recent memory: no checkpoints, no extra lives, no continues, and early reports have permadeath occuring after just
one undead bite. Ouch. Should your life be wrangled from you against your wishes, you will restart as a brand new character, void of any attributes you may've gained with your previous character, who is now a zombie.
Players will have a "Bug-Out Bag," a backpack containing all of the tools they've picked up through their travels. Should you suffer an untimely death, your bag can be recovered with your new character, so long as you can get there.. And unlike other games in the genre, it sounds as if you won't be able to readily pause this game for a rest as all of your weapon changes / item management will be done on the fly on the Wii U GamePad, frantically looking down while action continues on the screen.
Chances are you'll never be in a zombie-filled post-apocalyptic world: this may be your only chance. How long can
you survive?
Out of 36 user(s) who marked the game in their log:
17% (6) have yet to "do" it |
14% (5) have put it on hold |
8% (3) have given up upon it |