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The 3DS port of the venerable Williams Collection of pinball simulations. Sadly, this is the most spare version yet, lacking many of the top-flight pinball tables that have appeared in recent iterations of the game.
Space Shuttle
Black Knight
...and that's it. No Medieval Madness. No Arabian Nights. No No Good Gofers (that was hard to say).
Still, on the bright side, no Jive Time.
And it's playable: It's still fun to slam Rudy in the face with a pinball. Whether or not this is worth 30 dollars to you probably comes down to how badly you want to have these games on the go. Otherwise, there are better versions of the Williams Collection out there for a much cheaper price.
Or you can just buy all the original pinball machines and have your servant install them in your mansion's split-level, diamond-encrusted game room, Mr. Monopoly.
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