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Hudson Soft's third installment in the Adventure Island franchise on NES. Master Higgins returns with the help of his dinosaur friends, this time trying to rescue Jeannie Jungle, captured by a mysterious UFO!
Adventure Island was insanely difficult with four areas per world,
Adventure Island II eased up on the challenge, and shortened each stage. Consequently, there ended up being more stages per level, and a map reminiscent of
Super Mario World, complete with hidden exits. Adventure Island III keeps in line with the newer form of thinking, once again creating a better game than their first outing.
Not using a timer like most games of a similar ilk, players are encouraged to move forward and eat fruit, keeping their health/hunger meter above zero. There are harmful enemies everywhere (and a gross eggplant which drains your health meter at an alarming rate!), but the introduction of your prehistoric pals in the previous game help you here, too. Picking up a suited icon (spade, heart, club, diamond, or star) gives you one of five different dinosaurs, each with a different ability. Don't worry, old school fans; the hatchet remains the primary weapon, the skateboard is still here, and Honey Girl returns to help you out, too! Completing a level with one of those items in tow will give you a points bonus, or the ability to save it and use it at a later time before you start a stage, similar to the item bar in
Super Mario Bros. 3, and many games that followed.
While evil witchdoctors plagued the first game, the second and third outings have larger bosses varying in difficulty and the strategy used to take them down. Help Master Higgins run, jump, and swim through eight islands to find his girlfriend!
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