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Donkey Kong Country Discussion (Nintendo SNES) [game]
03/16/17, 09:22 Edited: 03/16/17, 09:26
DKC over DKC 2? You guys are strange. Still, at the time, it was pretty awesome. Those graphics were unreal on the SNES. Going back to them now it's like... ew... have not passed the test of time (while something like Yoshi's Island has) but back then there was nothing like that. Soundtrack too, so awesome. So, how I came to get DKC. Basically, during a Thanksgiving football game my probably 250ish pound uncle tackled skinny little 135ish pound me and broke my collar bone. My aunt felt bad and offered to buy me a video game to make up for it. I first picked World Heroes 2 because I loved it in the arcades, but honestly... it was probably just a mediocre Street Fighter II clone that I would have gotten bored of fast. So my aunt bought it, but then she called me up and awkwardly explained that she returned it because there was a woman in skimpy clothes on the box. This is the cover...  I dunno, maybe on the back somewhere? Unless it is that woman in armor but she is barely showing her clavicle. Whatever the case, I had to pick a new game, so I picked Donkey Kong Country, which was almost certainly the better choice there. The moral of my story is: Sometimes the religious right are actually correct. Wait... was that the moral? |
@kriswrightDonkey King > Queen Elizabeth. @ZeroI think the graphics have aged just fine, but maybe my tolerance for pre-rendered 3D models used as 2D art is unusually high. I mean, these days I think a game like Resident Evil 3 looks better than Code Veronica, largely thanks to the pre-rendered backgrounds. Yoshi's Island does look better these days though, I agree. Anyway, I like DKC more than the sequel for a few reasons, but I think the main thing for me is the general...grittiness, maybe, of DKC2. Not sure grittiness is the right word here, but I'm basically feeling that the original game had better variety in its world designs. The second game consists of a nice little ship themed world and after that dark lava caves, dark swamps, dark amusement park, dark forest and a dark castle. The individual worlds are fine, but it all feels so similar to me. DKC has a couple of dark cave based worlds, but also features a vibrant jungle, a lush forest and a snowy glacier for contrast. Gameplay variation is there in DKC2, but it all sorts of blends together for me anyway because of the world themes. I think your aunt had a problem with Captain Kidd's scantily clad chest. Or the fact that he seems to be fisting a small shark. That's the kind of thing that turns kids gay you know. |
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