I recently
reviewed the 3DS System and gave it a score of
9.0. I am very happy with Nintendo’s new handheld and I think that they have done a magnificent job on its first iteration. However, there are still a few areas where the 3DS could be better. Some of these areas are hardware related and will need to be addressed in hardware revisions or successors. Others are actually software related and could be fixed with firmware updates. I would also like to discuss the future potential of the system and the many great things Nintendo and other developers can do with the system right now.
Part I: HardwarePart II: SoftwarePotential for the Future:1.
AR games: AR Games have a lot of potential. I’m pretty sure that Nintendo has a lot more AR games planned for the future. If I may reiterate what has been suggested before, Nintendo should release special Pokemon AR Cards that allow us to capture Pokemon in our own homes. If we want to catch them all, we need to buy whole sets of cards. Nintendo could make a bundle off of this and we would all become trading card junkies.
3DS Review
Now with more AR.Nintendo could also release games that have nothing to do with AR Cards but still use your environment as a setting, such as Face Raiders. Heck, the next Pokemon Snap game could
use your own environments to capture Pokemon.
Hey, why not?
(Credit to Secret_Tunnel)2.
More Street Plaza Games: The Street Pass games included with the 3DS are very addicting. I suggest that Nintendo keep things fresh by adding new Street Pass games every couple of months via firmware update.
eShop: Even though the eShop has yet to debut, there are a few things that I would like either to make it to launch, or to be added down the line.
a. DS Games: Sell DS games through the eShop. This way we can buy old gems that are hard to find (including imports), or just have favorite games inside the 3DS System all the time.
Imagine never having to hunt down games like these ever again.b. Allow us to change button configuration for VC and 3D Classic games: With the configuration of the 3DS buttons, it would make more sense to use the Y and B instead of the B and A buttons. I hope Nintendo allows developers to change button mapping.
c. Add FX Chip games: One of the worse things about the current Virtual Console is that it doesn’t have any Super FX Chip games. I assume it is because they are hard to emulate. Hopefully, Nintendo has found a way around this and is able to give us emulated games such as Star Fox and Yoshi’s Island for the SNES.
It’s been too long since I’ve played this game.d. Add Game Boy Advance, Genesis, Wonderswan, NGP, and N64 games: This is a no brainer. The 3DS Virtual Console is already confirmed to include the following systems: Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Gear, and Turbo Grafx 16. In addition, Nintendo has also promised 3D augmented updates to NES and SNES games called 3D Classics. Why not go all the way and include the GBA, Genesis, Wonderswan, Neo Geo Pocket, and N64 games. I actually think Nintendo will at least include the Game Boy Advance and Genesis. The others, especially the N64, I’m not too sure about. Nintendo seems more interested in making 3DS remakes or N64 games than actually releasing the old ROMS, after all.
Imagine having all of these systems in your pocket.
(Credit to sirmastersephiroth)4.
Try to use StreetPass and SpotPass as much as possible: One of the things that irks me most about Nintendo is how they bring out some new features or technology and then they don’t support them. For example, Nintendo brought out the e-Reader and released only a handful of cards before it decided to drop support. Nintendo also released the Wii Motion Plus and, so far, only a handful of games use it, and most are third party.
Nintendo seems to be doing the same thing with StreetPass and Spotpass. At first Nintendo was supporting StreetPass through, the StreetPass Plaza games and through Nintendogs + Cats. They also provide messages through Spotpass. Unfortunately, Nintendo has already announced that two of the biggest 1st party titles announced for the 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Super Mario Bros. 3DS, will not use StreetPass functionality. With regards to Spotpass, when was the last time Nintendo sent a message through this service? It was the message for the firmware update for March 27, 2011, almost two months ago. Nintendo should send StreetPass messages, at least, on a weekly basis to let us know what’s new with the system. Imagine getting your news straight from Nintendo without having to turn on your computer. Even something as simple as advertisements and game reminders, such as: “Hello, this is Nintendo of America. Next month we will be presenting at the Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3) on June 7th. Please go to www.nintendo.com for more information. And don’t forget to pick up
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the 3DS on June 19, 2011.” See, that wasn’t too hard Nintendo, was it?
Nintendo could do so much with StreetPass and SpotPass. It seems to me that Nintendo is doing as they always do; they develop a piece of technology and expect 3rd parties to pick up their slack. Nintendo really needs to lead by example, and the best way of doing so is by supporting their own advances in technology.
Dear Nintendo, please don’t let StreetPass and SpotPass become the new eReader and Wii Motion Plus.(Credit to sirmastersephiroth)All in all, I’m very excited for the future of the 3DS. I think it is a magnificent system with a lot of potential. I think there are many surprises coming down the line and I can’t wait to see any of them.
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