A Nintendo community by the fans!
02/06/12, 20:52
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If you're playing Resident Evil Revelations, indicate as such in your collection! Link (more)
02/01/12, 17:59
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Genius Sonority (Pokémon spinoff dev) has developed an AR RPG loosely translated to "Electric Wave Person RPG" for release on the JP eShop. Looks kinda fun: you use the AR to find little Pikmin-like creatures and then use them in turn-based battles. Check out the video. (Link) (more)
01/27/12, 03:51
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Add the game to your collection (more)
01/13/12, 10:11
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This game has finally hit the North American eShop and it's pretty fantastic... four fun, quality tables in 3D for $6.99... (more)
12/04/11, 14:41
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The game is out. The kart is on the track... time to play folks. Time to burn some rubber!.. (more)
11/17/11, 19:54
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Visit The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword in our game database (add it to your collection/log and rate it!) (more)
11/13/11, 16:43
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Super Mario 3D Land in our game database (add it to your collection/log and rate it!) (more)
11/10/11, 19:17
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Why do I get the feeling this thread won't be as popular as the Mario or even Rayman one?.. (more)
11/09/11, 07:47
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Alright, game comes out in a week. Who's psyched?.. (more)
10/24/11, 01:28
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Seems like the game turned out great... (more)
09/06/11, 20:25
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If you ask me, The Legend of Zelda is a stone-cold classic, and fully deserves its own playthrough thread. But the second-largest game in the ambassador giveaway also has its own share of fans. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, despite being the black sheep of the series, has gotten pretty popular over the past few years and its gameplay has generally held up pretty well... (more)
08/27/11, 03:25
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So there's lots of Xenoblade threads running around. Time for an official thread for impressions game discussion etc... (more)