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by the fans!
#2. Up and Running
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or search on a keyword: metal, magnet, mother, theresa, beginning, construction, lockhorns, batman, bat man, sex, ass, mouth
Comic owned by 
07/31/12, 23:49  Views: 3,401
We come back to see that some of our robofriends have medium level ego-problems. This is in no way a manifestation or representation of the ego problems of any real life individuals, parodic or otherwise. Assholes.
I was WONDERING how long until we got an A2M reference! Thank goodness it was only issue 2!

Posted by 
 on: 07/31/12, 23:53
I don't even...

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 00:09
I don't get the punch line, but I support any and all Lockhorns references.

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 00:10
Hmm... Insight into the dynamics of the Zero clan??

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 02:07
Metal Man and Mother Theresa are basically the same person, yes.

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 09:48
Not to distract from your comic, but today's installment of The Lockhorns is particularly amazing:

Posted by 
 on: 08/02/12, 03:48