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by the fans!
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Comic owned by 
32 comics, 75,995 total views.
Two Minus Three is a web comic about a misfit group of characters going about their day-to-day lives. Characters are inspired by the shining personalities of those wonderful people found on Negative World and a few from outside the community. The goal of this comic is to provide a relatively family-friendly gaming comic that relies on its rag-tag cast to deliver the funny, since, you know, "rag-tag" is a funny term.
Please click a character below to view profile.

Name: Zero

Description: Zero is very intelligent but oblivious of this fact. He enjoys chatting it up with his friends, but puts most of his energy into his favourite hobby: Video games. Rumour has it he's also an accomplished musician, but he keeps most of his compositions to himself.
I'm excited to read them all again!

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 06:09
Relive the magic~

Relive the memories~

Your favorite Two Minus Three moments revisited. Summer 2012, only on Negative World~

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 06:11
It's back! In pog form!

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 07:37
I didn't have the chance to read your comics before (since I am new after all), so I just read the first 12 and have a lot of fun doing so! Particularly with the Brick and Cube adventures. I look forward to your next posts!

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 10:29
Thanks, Mahell!

I am currently working on bumping up all non-comic-related threads that I can. I hate that I caused an infuriating flood.

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 10:31
ploot said:
I am currently working on bumping up all non-comic-related threads that I can. I hate that I caused an infuriating flood.

My God...It's full of Ploots

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 11:00  - Edited by 
 on: 07/30/12, 11:02
Paul just plooted all over the forum!

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 11:02

The sad thing is, I still have to add five or so more older comics to the site. I think I'll wait a bit before the place explodes.

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 11:08
Someone ban this spammer!!

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 16:57


Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 17:11
May Zero help us if TriforceBun uploads all of his Brawl in the Family cartoons...

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 17:15

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 20:16
@ludist210 I think he should just give up his site which obviously isn't working out and release everything here instead.

Posted by 
 on: 07/30/12, 20:38
Hey @ploot, where's the birthday one? It's one of the funniest ones (also my debut).

Posted by 
 on: 07/31/12, 08:58  - Edited by 
 on: 07/31/12, 08:59

Yes, yes, that is a good one.

Posted by 
 on: 07/31/12, 19:10
I seem to recall there being one with me hugging Triforce Bunny, too. I'll search my computer and see if I can find it.


As you can see I found an icon I made from the picture. What I don't remember is if it was an actual comic or just a pic Ploot made of me and Triforcebun.

Posted by 
 on: 07/31/12, 20:05  - Edited by 
 on: 07/31/12, 21:04
I still have to add about five or so. That one is certainly one of them.

The picture of you hugging TBun was just a pic I did for you.

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 00:08

Hugging? I thought that was a pic of him strangling T-Bun, with malicious glee on his face whilst doing so.

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 01:09
Haha! Now that's what I see. EEK!

Okay, I will be adding the final few soon, probably tonight. Then we continue from there.

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 01:16
@Shadowlink And I will hug him and I will pet him....

Posted by 
 on: 08/01/12, 02:53
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