It's not on fire yet, but it's definitely
very warm. Slightly uncomfortable, even. Behold. I shall prove my case with the best kind of evidence ...anecdotal.
My StreetPass frequency has really jumped recently. Since launch, Chicago has been a surprisingly terrible place to get StreetPass hits. I've hung out at elementary schools, malls, playgrounds... no dice! And I got arrested twice!
But I've been getting one almost every day now, rather than once every week or two. And the system really seems to be coming into its own, software-wise. There's been a nice, steady stream of high-quality retail and downloadable titles, and Luigi's Mansion definitely has some strong buzz, both online and off. The sales clerk at Target and I were chatting about games for a while, and he was, like, GAGGING for Luigi's Mansion. And I realized that
I've been gagging for it, as well! Then there's Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter Tri, Castlevania,
Animal Crossing...
All of this is compounded by the frequent discounts on 3DS hardware. I feel like the manufacturing cost of the 3DS hardware must have plummeted, because US retailers are incentivizing the hell out of that thing. (I think the XL is $160 at Target next week.) And the library has become mature enough to support demon consumers, which will open the system up to a whole new audience of cheap bastards like myself.
But can the stream of software continue? Will the 3DS ever get a decent amount of Western support? We'll see.
All I can say for right now is that the 3DS is dancing on the Wii U's grave.
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