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Little Inferno (Nintendo Wii U eShop) discussion [game]
11/18/12, 19:26 Edited: 04/08/13, 01:26
@Secret_Tunnel You really didn't know what was meant by this can't last forever? Hmm. I was actually emailing a bit with Kyle Gray and he said something about how he wonders if only our generation (30s) will "get" it, I think meaning that the younger generation may not? And, if my interpretation is correct, I may understand what he meant? I hope none of this comes off as condescending, but I think there are definitely things that you understand a bit more the older you get. So here goes. This is just an interpretation, but I think it is pretty accurate. Basically the whole fireplace thing / etc. represents any sort of "addiction" that we are wasting time on while putting off like... actually actively engaging in life and doing the things we really want to do? And one thing that I think a lot of people in their late 20s / early 30s start to really begin to understand about life is that there really is NOT that much time IE "this can't last forever", and the more time you spend dicking around on these time wasting things thinking "I'll do A, B, and C (your goals / dreams / etc.) tomorrow", the more likely it is that you will never actually do A, B, and C, because tomorrow comes FAST. This kind of hits me personally because I basically wasted my 20s. Not a spoiler really, but it could give away a bit, lol. So the reason I thought the ending was so awesome is because it was about finally waking up and cutting yourself free from time-wasting addictions and deciding to actively engage in life, follow your goals and dreams, etc., and... this is something that I am personally trying to do at the moment.I think the house burning down is a pretty powerful metaphor too, because it's basically saying that you may have to completely destroy the things holding you back in order to move forward, which also fits with the whole you can never go back idea. Basically breaking free from whatever is controlling you. I'm not sure if I explained this in the best way, but it all made sense to me in a very personal way. And of course there is more to it... the consumerism, corporatism, etc. all of these different angles all tie into this together. But I think at the core of it is simply the message that time is a real thing, and you can easily waste it all if you get caught up in pointless things that keep you from doing the things important to you... but you can also break out and start living as well...Again, just my interpretation. And yeah, again, not to sound condescending or anything, but I think this stuff doesn't really hit home until you start to get older. Late teens / early 20s it's easy to feel like the world is your oyster. Here is an interesting Douglas Coupland quote, somewhat connected to what I'm trying to say... “By the age of twenty, you know you're not going to be a rock star. By twenty-five, you know you're not going to be a dentist or any kind of professional. And by thirty, darkness starts moving in- you wonder if you're ever going to be fulfilled, let alone wealthy and successful. By thirty-five, you know, basically, what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life, and you become resigned to your fate..."But I think the awesome thing about Little Inferno is that he isn't resigned to his "fate", he breaks free... |
I figured it was a game reference, but still, are roses actually a part of that game, or did they just throw it into the image for that in order to create that combo? Whatever the case, considering that most people probably never played that, it just kind of requires looking through every object until you go "oh, this one has roses in the image!"
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the combos, I just think they could have executed it a bit better.
On a side note, I had a dream about this game last night. I forget the details, but it was something about me just going about my daily life but having to create "combos" out of every day objects. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's going to get in my head now! Let's see, what combo can I make out of the stuff on my desk here? STICKY SITUATION COMBO = tape + post-it notes. OLD YELLOW'ER = pencil + banana + post-it notes. KEYMASTER COMBO = set of keys + keyboard. Um... |
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