Just thought this title needed an official thread.
Yesterday, while browsing the interwebs at work, I found a hands-on of the game that mentioned something that I had not heard of anywhere else. Unfortunately, I don't remember where it was, but here's the gist...
Pikmin 3
now has an evade move! From
Nintendojo "Handy, then, that our new lead character has a nifty dodge ability that sees both him and his band of Pikmin roll to the side in perfect unison whenever danger’s about to rear its ugly head. It took a while to master, especially since there seems to be a small amount of recovery time before you can initiate another one, but it brought a welcome sense of drama to the fights, as well as a greater feeling of control over your large army."
Let's give this launch window game some love!
ERRR..... Releases August 4th! Well, I tried to post the trailer. Thanks Renjaku!Now lets take a look at Gamexplain of the newest video
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