It's almost that time again, gamers' Christmas!
At 9am PST, on Tuesday June 5th the Wii U will finally be showcased with actual high-def Nintendo software and a full disclosure of its features. We're expecting impressive 3rd party reveals, fresh 3DS announcements too and all kinds of surprises.
Think you know Nintendo?
To play!:
Here are four sets of statements. Simply pick whichever ones you think will come true! (choose as many as you like eg. A01, A03, A09, A13, B02, B03, B04, C5... etc.).
But choose wisely! 2 pointers are very likely to happen, 10 pointers are the big gambles. For each statement you'll either win or lose that number of points depending on how the show plays out. That means guess incorrectly too many times and you'll end up with a negative score and have to live with the shame for the rest of the year. ;p
Please post your predictions by the end of the 4th.
No editing.
We will gray out any statements that are officially confirmed in advanced of the conference and you won't be able to pick them after that, so it might help to get your guesses in early!
A) Most Likely : 2pts01) Pre-show music = Wii will, Wii will, Rock U
02) Wii U is the name, deal with it03) Reggie, Miyamoto, Iwata present
04) Nintendo emphasizes "deep" support for the gaming core
05) Wii U's final tablet design is what we saw on the twitter leak06) Clickable sticks07) Analog triggers
08) The Wii U's North American release date will be announced
09) No specs
10) No price
11) The Wii U's technical power isn't measured against the 360/PS3 in a precise way
12) Pikmin 3 trailer!
13) New Super Mario Bros. Wii 2 (or NSMB Mii) for launch
14) No mention of Zelda Wii U
15) No mention of Unreal 4 Engine
16) High profile 3rd party ports showcase the tablet controller
17) Luigi's Mansion 2 gets a release date
18) Animal Crossing 3DS gets a release date
19) Paper Mario 3DS gets a release date
20) Fire Emblem: Awakening gets a release date
21) New 3DS color/s
22) Conference ends with a surprise Wii U title
23) Pikmin 3 playable
24) Project CARS playable
25) New Super Mario Bros. Mii playable on show floor
26) Reggie looks like he wants to slap Geoff Keighley after a stupid question
B) Maybe : 4pts01) Wii U to have a pack-in game
02) Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for Wii U
03) Retro's new project is shown/trailered!
04) BioShock Infinite for Wii U
05) Wii U Sports!
06) Resident Evil 6 for Wii U
07) High profile 3rd party ports demonstrate graphical superiority over 360/PS3
08) Pikmin 3 to be a launch title
09) Killer Freaks to be a launch title
10) 5th Cell announces a launch title for the Wii U
11) An original 3DS Zelda game!
12) An original 3DS Metroid game!
13) Retro is making Metroid Prime 4 (or other pure Metroid game)
14) Nintendo shows a 1st party game that uses near field communication (NFC)
15) Batman: Arkham Asylum gets new features/content on the tablet
16) Darksiders II gets new features/content on the tablet
17) 3DS Castlevania is shown
18) Hi-def Zelda compilation on Wii U
19) DS titles in the Wii U's virtual console
20) GameCube titles in the Wii U's virtual console
21) Wii Motion+ and Nunchuk bundled with every Wii U
22) User created content highlighted for future Wii U games23) DLC and patching capability from launch
24) Monster Games bring a new racer
25) Wii U/3DS connectivity is demonstrated
26) Netflix/Hulu services highlighted for tablet and TV
27) A brand new 'evergreen' casual game for the 3DS
28) WIi U Fit
29) Wii U to launch in November
30) Mario Kart Wii U teaser
31) US version of Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney shown!
32) Epic Mickey 2 gets Wii U version
33) Tablet controller can be used as eBook reader
34) Reggie actually strikes Geoff Keighley, could be a playful tap
C) I guess it's possible... : 6 pts01) The Wii U's operating system co-designed by Google
02) A secret feature of the Wii U hardware is revealed
03) Teaser trailer for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
04) Two tablets can be used at the same time
05) Valve game/services announced for Wii U
06) Wuhu Island is built into the console
07) Street Pass portable device for Wii U
08) Online system roughly equivalent to MS/Sony's machines
09) Exclusive new Resident Evil game for Wii U
10) Monolith Soft's new game is shown
11) GTA V
12) Wii U's price is announced as under $300
13) Wii U's price is announced as over $300
14) Dragon Quest X - hi-def Wii U version seen for the first time!
15) New teaser for an actual Wii U Zelda
16) Exclusive Final Fantasy 25th anniversary game for U/3DS
17) Wii U to feature achievements
18) Ability to transfer your Wii VC and WiiWare titles to the Wii U
19) Wiimote to have improved technology
20) Improved sensor bar
21) Nintendo introduces a brand new IP
22) Asynchronous multiplayer showcased in a new Nintendo published title
23) Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask remake for 3DS announced
24) WaveRace returns!
25) Crytek support
26) A new 3D Mario title from EAD Tokyo!
27) Design your own Mario levels with the tablet and share online
28) Official Nintendo hard drive for the Wii U
29) The tablet range is confirmed to be more than your living room
30) Wii U to launch before November
31) Eminem
32) Wii U's touchscreen to have tactile feedback
33) Retro's game playable on the showfloor!
34) Reggie dragon suplexes Geoff Keighley onto a balance board
D) MEGATON : 10 pts01) Mario and Sonic platformer/adventure game!
02) Android Market for Wii U
03) 3DS Lite
04) Pokemon MMO
05) Some Nintendo games to be playable on non-Nintendo hardware
06) Square-Enix announces a Nintendo IP project
07) An online-centric 1st party game is announced
08) The return of F-Zero
09) Steam on Wii U
10) Eternal Darkness 2
11) Retro's game an original IP
12) Monster Hunter 4 - Quatro (or sequel) for Wii U
13) Vitality Sensor lives!
14) The show begins as Miyamoto plays the tablet like a keytar: Wii Music 2 - boom!
15) Actual Hideo Kojima support
16) Positive comments/confirmation of UE4 on Wii U
17) Wii U more than 2 times the power of current consoles
18) Chrono series returns!
19) Earthbound series returns! / Mother 3 official release
20) Geoff Keighley disappears in mysterious circumstances, Reggie has 'convenient' alibi
Optional Bonus Prediction:For an extra 10 points, you can predict a 1st party 3DS or Wii U game . For instance: Super Mario Universe Wii U.
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