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Top 10 Legend of Zelda Games According to Negative World [top ten]
02/21/12, 00:13 Edited: 10/31/13, 22:32
02/21/12, 00:13 Edited: 10/31/13, 22:32 |
I didn't finish 10 Zelda games... so if I only count those I finished it would go in that order #5 - Phantom Hourglass #4 - The Minish Cap #3 - The Legend of Zelda #2 - Link's Awakening #1 - A Link To the Past *Please, bear in mind that I only factored in the games I finished... Wind Waker is definitly up there... @PogueSquadron, it depends. Flipping the Character models means that the bounding boxes & collision boxes changes ever so slightly. When there are interactions between characters you would need to flip the position of characters so that they would interact correctly & would look at each other if they are not face to face. Doing this mean that you would have to change some camera angles also... Just so the scenes, while only the characters are flipped, looked similar. The characters wouldn't be placed at the same place some animations would need to be redone... At this point, I'm not even factoring in the gameplay, only the universe's "basics". With so many minor variance & occurences it would require more testing. Nintendo did the right thing to minimize the costs. |
@CommanderRadioYour comment makes me frown slightly. 16. Four Swords 15. Four Swords Adventures 14. Legend of Zelda 13. Spirit Tracks 12. Phantom Hourglass 11. Link's Awakening 10. Oracle of Seasons 9. Oracle of Ages 8. Adventure of Link 7. The Wind Waker 6. Skyward Sword 5. A Link to the Past 4. Ocarina of Time 3. Majora's Mask 2. Twilight Princess 1. The Minish Cap That's my personal current ranking for the games. |
@V_syour list makes me frown slightly. you know what? I wanna play. 15. spirit tracks 14. phantom hourglass 13. four swords 12. legend of zelda 11. adventures of link 10. minish cap 9. Ages 8. Seasons 7. wind waker 6. link to the past 5. skyward sword 4. links awakening 3. twilight princess 2. majora's mask 1. ocarina of time. this is mine. Im sorry, but link just shouldn't be a cartoon. Trust me. Ive watched them. Its shameful and embarrassing. |
@Zero I probably had something to do with that. I loved Skyward Sword but find Wind Waker to be one of the worst Zelda games. I really can't compare the 3D games to the 2D ones though, they just feel so different to me. So I'm going to rate them separately, but I haven't played every game yet, so this list may change. 3D 5. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 2. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2D 6. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages 5. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 4. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons 3. The Legend of Zelda 2. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past |
Secret_Tunnel said:In terms of exploration, PH is definitely more fleshed-out, but I prefer ST's story and dungeons. Definitely understandable, and I absolutely agree on two of those three points (i.e., exploration to PH and dungeons to ST). Not sure which game's story I prefer. On the one hand, PH's story was in many ways a bit of an LA retread, but it was more memorable to me, and ST's story was far too ambiguous for my liking... (It just introduced many questions that it didn't bother to answer. Like: Why did Malladus's spirit have to be placed in a member of the Royal Family's body when the Royal Family didn't even get to New Hyrule until after he was sealed away? Why did Cole specifically try to unseal Malladus's spirit instead of his body as well? How was Cole unable to free Malladus's spirit when all of the Spirit Tracks and most of the Spirit Tower were gone, but after they were all put back in place (and even more Spirit Tracks were laid), he suddenly was able to free him? There may be more questions that were brought up and never answered, but I can't remember them now.) And my parenthetical leads me to another point: ST was just so much more forgettable than PH to me. Even though I think I preferred ST's dungeons, ST's items, and probably more, I remember very little about what of ST I actually liked. (I remember not particularly liking the sidequests, and I remember not having nearly as many problems with the instrument as most people seemed to, but little else that didn't have to do with the story, items, or some of the bosses.) And I have no real desire to go back and play ST again. I've gone back and replayed PH, and I enjoyed it. That desire to replay it never really hit me with ST. |
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