I got "Revel aitons" as well. Must be because Capcom is emphasizing the game's AI... Played through the first 2 1/2 episodes tonight. Pretty good to this point. Definitely feels a lot more like a classic RE title at times, has some really moody music and some genuine scares. There are some ridiculous action sequences interspersed here and there, but I don't really mind them as much as I normally would have. I've accepted that we're in the "new era" of Resident Evil, and they are compelled to include action elements whether they are needed or not. But at the very least, they allow the game to stay varied and fresh. Game is really gorgeous. Cutscenes are really, really impressive. Pretty sizable budget definitely went into this game. Still adjusting to handheld life a bit. Had to keep adjusting my position. Started by sitting up and cradling the 3DS on my thigh, at least until my back started getting sore. Then I laid down on my stomach and played until my wrists started getting sore. And then back to a variation on how I was originally playing, and this seemed to work for me. At this point, it's much like what I expected, which was Lost in Nightmares expanded into a full game. Which is both good and bad. Good in the sense that it has some elements of classic RE (less enemies & ammo, slower paced overall, dark/creepy environments). Bad in that it's still clearly "RE for Dummies" (see: the very few "survival horror segments" in RE4/RE5). Everything's still extremely linear, extremely simple, not a whole lot of thinking needs to go into it. On the rare occasion that you are presented with more than one direction to go in, one direction is blocked off, so the game guides you in that sense. Again, nothing new for the "new era" of RE, but with the game doing so much else right, I wish they were bold enough to make this a true, old-school RE game. Maybe they are, it's still early... Definitely takes a little while for the game to get going. One pretty good section so far, the rest has been...alright. Kinda similar impressions as Brad @ Giant Bomb, who was saying he wasn't big on the early-going but the game was getting better as it went along. Looking forward to continuing onward tomorrow. |