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How would you feel about exclusive Wii U Zapper controls for Metroid Prime 4? [poll]
Mind Blown  (2/32 votes)
Ehhh...I can dig it  (6/32 votes)
*shrugs*  (6/32 votes)
Just...no  (16/32 votes)
You'd have to pay me to play it  (2/32 votes)

This is one game where I feel that both the Wii Remote and Wii U tablet controller would significantly benefit the gameplay (pointer controls, streamlined visor combat/interaction). You could also use the touch screen for mode/item selections and the map. I'd rather have this option than be forced to choose between the two.

What do you guys think? Yea? Nay? WTF?

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08/30/11, 02:50  
Wiimote and Nunchuck was the best control scheme for Metroid Prime and always will be.
09/03/11, 08:07   
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