I'm pretty curious actually, people are pushing for these three games but I wonder if they are all desired equally or if one or two are more desired than the other(s)?
The Last Story. After that is Xenoblade, followed lastly by Pandora's Tower, which doesn't really interest me at all. It's one of the non-American games I'm least interested in. If Zangeki were in its place, I'd side with that though!!
Those saying they're a "Xeno" nut... I'm confused. I've never played Xenogears or Xenosaga but are those games tied together story wise? And is Xenoblade somehow part of this as well?
In all seriousness if I can only pick one it would be Xenoblade, I haven't played a console JRPG since Final Fantasy X (I think that's the only one i have played) so its just what I am looking for right now in terms of a fresh experience that's due out soon.
@GameDadGrant It's the same developer, and I enjoyed the previous games starting with "Xeno." I trust the quality I suppose. I also assume the story will be neat, as the other games that really have no connection to it.
I am interested mostly on Pandora's Tower, maybe because it's the least likely to be released anywhere outside Japan, or maybe because it's the closest game to a 3D Castlevania for Wii. The Last Story comes second mostly because it looks awesome and does away with turned based battles which were always the biggest detractor for my enjoyment of JRPGs. Xenoblade I'll get only because I want to support the Operation Rainfall movement. Otherwise, I wouldn't really be interested in it.
One thing is certain though, that after La Mulana and Skyward Sword, my Wii will be able to play all three of them, plus some more (Fatal Frame IV will be my import #4).