Welcome to the official discussion thread for Dr. Mario Online Rx on the Wii!
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Who here has Dr. Mario Rx? I'd love to get some online going. I haven't played in forever so my skills have atrophied, but I'm a fairly advanced player I'd say and I'd love to get a challenge that isn't some Japanese housewife. Anyone wanna try to plan some gaming?
I do. Haven't played this in a while so I've gotten rust to the T and I couldn't quite get into this game like I did Dr. Mario 64 on the N64 eight years ago. I don't play it as much as I do the other Wi-fi compatible games when I do go online.
I'll come back here later - I do have Dr. Mario but I forget my code so I'll have to post it here sometime.... Everytime I played online, I'd get my ass handed to me on a platter... I play on slow speed..I'm able to clear very high levels, but online forces you to go medium speed and I hate it... If you play with a friend can you change the speed?
Peter, you're added, I'm down for tomorrow or the weekend whenever's good with you.
Smerd, I believe you can play with any settings when you play with a friend but I'm not sure. I hope so because if you can only play on slow speed, I'm gonna need a handicap :p
I'll get my friend code and add it here later. I'd love to play online! I'm tired of my wife handing it to me every time we play, so might as well get it handed to me by someone else!
You know, I generally like brick drop games and variants on that theme, like Puyo Pop, but I've always hated Dr. Mario. Something about the premise or the presentation has always rubbed me the wrong way and I don't think I've played it for more than 15 minutes, ever.
Sorry, continue with your normal activities. I had to get that off my chest. :p
I've never played long enough to notice the music. It's probably the only game I've ever played that I've been completely unable to even try to get into. I have no idea why that is, just that it is. Weird, I know.