Yeah I'm with you there. It's freakin' ridiculous. It is not Nintendo or the Wii I blame. Nope. Never ever ever. It's all the publishers and developers faults. Many people have said before Nintendo cannot carry the saddle all by themselves. I think the industry secretly hates Nintendo, I really do.
For a couple reasons. 1. They're so damn good. The quality they achieve is second to none. 2. They swim in money and have profits second to none. I'm sorry but I'm sure a ton of publishers and developers are like FUCK ALL THEY MAKE IS WII SPORTS N MARIO N LOOK AT THE MONEY THEY MAKE 3. Frustration they can't compete with the first two reasons. They really can't compete with Nintendo on their own console but who's fault is that? I guess it's Nintendo's fault for being too good. How bout you get off your ass and make some quality games? Maybe then you'll be more like Nintendo 4. Nintendo's unwavering influence on the industry. No one has changed the industry as much as Nintendo consistently has. Even when they lose they change the industry a whole lot. Their least successful system the Gamecube may be the odd man out but every other system helped define the generation in a big way. You could easily argue the Playstation changed gaming more but think of the N64's influence. First real leap into 3D gaming, a real working analog, first system to successfully bring FPS to the consoles (fuck that halo bullshit turok, goldeneye, perfect dark, and others were the first real console FPSes ever and they were fanfuckingtastic), rumble, etc, etc. The same can be said of any system but the N64 had some of the best games of all time on it, with Zelda OOT leading the forefront as arguable greatest game of all time. Having said all that it wouldn't surprise me that some petty publishers/developers would have some sort of anti-nintendo/jealousy vibe going on there. I'm sure Nintendo's public image hasn't helped. That whole kiddy bullshit along with them apparently being tyrannical back in the day.
So in conclusion I do have a theory that many people secretly hate Nintendo even though gaming needs Nintendo to survive. It boggles my mind how ANYone on this planet can hate Nintendo...the company that single handedly revived gaming, and reshaped it time after time after time. Anyone who hates Nintendo needs to fucking grow up. It's kinda like loving animation and hating any of the big animation studios like Disney or Pixar. Their influences are unquestionable. They CREATED the industry. How can you hate them for that? We're all playing videogames today because of what Nintendo created. |