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The Netflix recommendation thread [community]
Netflix. It's on the 360, it's on PS3, it's on the Wii, it's $8 a month, it doesn't require a disc, and it's now even in Canada (with a severely reduced selection). So. Unless you're really poor, a picky Canadian, a hater of the 7th art, or European, there's no excuse for not having it! What movies has the streaming service allowed you to discover? Because of the limited selection here in Canada, which denies us access to some of the more recent and popular movies on the service, I've been using Netflix to watch 2 different kinds of movies: terrible crap that I'd never make any effort or pay anything to see (The Happening, Teen Wolf Too), and highly respected and acclaimed foreign movies that for some reason I always put back on the shelf without renting when I'm at the video store. So here's a recommendation for you: Amores Perros - This movie received much acclaim, won many prizes, and I'm probably one of the last chumps to see it. But hey, maybe you haven't seen it either, so at least I'm better than you. From looking at the title, you may recognize the word "amores" (love) and get totally the wrong idea about the movie. You may also recognize "perros" (dog) and be completely befuddled. Basically, the movie contains three vignettes in which cruelty and, yes, love, are central themes. For one third of the movie, you follow the story of a kid using his dog to participate in dog fights and win money so he can elope with his brother's wife. For the second part, you follow a couple's crumbling relationship and oh god you're getting totally the wrong idea again. Don't worry, it's totally interesting and plays out a bit like a thriller. Actually, watching it I felt like I was reading an Edgar Allan Poe short story, but maybe it's just because it features... sounds... coming out of the floorboard. The third story is about this vagrant who abandoned his family to become a guerillero, went to prison, and now takes on hitman jobs from the corrupt cop who arrested him. The characters cross each others' paths a couple of time, so you could say it's a bit like Pulp Fiction in that way, except I found the stories and characters in this film infinitely more interesting. Heh. I don't know what your experience with foreign movies is or what you think of them, all I can say is that this movie is absolutely not boring. From the first scene to the last, I was hooked. URL to share (right click and copy)
11/30/10, 02:22 Edited: 12/31/17, 09:54
Dead Like Me: This is one of my favorite series of all time (along with Supernatural, Star Trek TNG, and Battlestar Galactica). It's a show about life after death. The main characters are reapers who go around guiding people to their final destination after they die. But mostly it's about how these reapers live among us and how they deal with the afterlife. Battlestar Galactica is also awesome. Think of it as Star Trek DS9 with a movable station and sexy humanoid robots. @FINlos I'm already watching Avatar. It's pretty awesome. I want to watch the whole first season before I watch the movie. I'm also very interested in watching Pushing Daisies, given that it's from the creator of Dead Like Me. |
@sirmastersephiroth - I'll second what kgtennis says. Don't even bother with the movie. I went in with the lowest of expectations after hearing all of the negative reviews, and I was still disappointed. Also, since you liked Dead Like Me, and you're interested in Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls might be another show you'd be interested in. The guy who created Dead Like Me has only created 3 shows, Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls, and Pushing Daisies, and though I didn't care for Dead Like Me that much, I loved Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies. And all three shows have many of the same idiosyncrasies like a prominent female character with a guy's name, a relatively normal or mundane world in which the main character has some fantastic ability, a lot of wordplay and dialogue-focused humor, and a light-hearted look at death (though that's only present in one or two episodes of Wonderfalls). I definitely recommend checking those two out, and Wonderfalls is only 1 season of 13 episodes, so it's pretty easy to blow through fairly quickly (and the whole series has been uploaded to YouTube if you're the kind that can stand the quality and don't want to have to wait for the disks from Netflix). |
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