I'm trying to get up to Lv 25 so I can unlock License to Kill. One hit kills should help me raise my pistol levels way faster. (Already maxed out the Golden Gun, but the rest are taking ages.)
Smart! I should just wait until then perhaps. I'm pretty decent with a shotgun, but you have to be lucky about the levels. They wont do diddly on the Station or Outpost for instance. I guess the completionist in me will have to wait.
I could probably pop on later tonight, like post 8:30EST at some point. I finally finished DKCR (all puzzle pieces and letters anyway) and after HIMYM tonight I should be available assuming I get this work finished. I'm on a roll though with it right now, so eventually I'll need to let it render and export which will take a considerable amount of time with nothing but gaming for me to do. :) Be on tonight at all?
You invite someone, they accept and then join your party. Then once all people have, you go into a game together. Invites can time out, to which you can just try again. If someone is in a game already, they'll get the invite but can't respond. You can try to join someone's game but if it's full, you'll be told. I didn't try to join any games from you all but I tried to invite you so we could all play together. It kind of worked tonight but not really. We'll play again soon.
@Shadowlink Its on the Wiimote and I thought it was locked too. I feel kinda cheep when I use it because it usually lands on a person and takes all the effort out of aiming. Still having fun though.