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Top 10 new game announcements (Nintendo) over the E3 2009 holiday season [top ten]
Monado: Beginning of the World - Wii (Nintendo / Monolith Soft) |
Back when Nintendo bought out Monolith Soft, many Nintendo fans were very pleased. Known best for their popular Xenosaga and Baten Kaitos series, they seemed to fill a gap in Nintendo's 1st party development, and we expected plenty of Monolith Soft RPGs to be headed our way. However, their first Wii game was not an RPG, and did not make it to NA. Their first DS game was indeed an RPG, yet also did not make it to NA. We began to become very confused. Did Nintendo buy this developer only to keep their games away from us North Americans forever? A bit of a stealth announcement at E3, Monado wasn't even shown at the press conference. And when it was announced, a developer was not connected to it. But a bit of patience and a bit of sleuthing pays off; this is indeed Monolith Soft's first NA game since Nintendo bought them out. Though there isn't too much known about the game itself yet, it looks promising, and the developer track record is certainly there. 
There were a few other announcements that didn't quite make my top 10 list, but are worth mentioning. Dementium 2 was announced, and should be sweet. Mario Vs. DK looks to be one of the first truly great DSi games. Drawn to Life is back on both Wii and DS. Span Smash looks interesting, and of course Wii Fit +, though expected, was made official. And that's about it for the new game announcements (unless my mind fails me, which it often does.) While there were several other impressive pieces of software shown at the show, most of the rest were games we have known about for awhile now. However, before I go, there is one more game that has to be mentioned. It doesn't make the list because it wasn't officially unveiled, yet the one piece of artwork that was shown off has already become a bigger story than half the real game showings of E3. Yes, you know what I mean. One mere image. So much power...  I know I say this a lot, but it's a good time to be a Nintendo fan.
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06/05/09, 23:26 |
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