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Monster Hunter Tri (Nintendo Wii) discussion [game]
Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii
9.03/10 from 36 user ratings

Welcome to the official discussion thread for Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii!

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The New MH3U Thread is lead by Mr_Mustache. Click Here for the thread.

MH Tri Online Shuts down April 30th 2013. It was a great run guys!

We can use this thread to post our thoughts, our battles, advice, when we are online etc etc.

Mustaches group of heroes:

1. HR9 Mr_Mustache
2. HR9 Anando
3. HR8 Mikey (Anon_Mastermind)
4. HR2 Gui

5. HR28 Marsh
6. HR17 canonj
7. HR?? Cryojin
8. HR11 Smerd

Negative World Monster Hunter Names and older HR rankings: (For finding each other online)

Fabz ( M9rtrg ) (Fabz) HR 180
Mustache (Mr. Mustache) HR53
RgR (Tranquilo) HR 113
Mark (W9XQVJ) (Wilie345) HR90
NinTemple_Maxi HR40
Anand (anandxxx) HR 53
Mikey (U89BLQ) (anon_mastermind) HR 52
Ruby (GDKAUD) (Dynablade) HR 44
CEW00 (DSLeet) HR 43
Marsh (Marsh) HR28
Bolt (Ben_Strife) HR 24
Shadow (2BX772) (ShadowLink_89) HR21
Andrew ( QT1V6H ) (Zero) HR 20
canonj (canonj) HR 17
Smerd (Smerd) HR 11
Cryojin (Cryojin) HR 0?
Paleo (Paleo_Orca) HR 3
Gui (DKH1HG)(Gui/Panda) HR 0

***When searching for people, pay attention to caps - search is case sensitive!!****

See ya on da'field


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04/17/10, 06:23    Edited: 02/10/13, 17:31
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
Are people still playing this?

More importantly, is anyone around HR 30ish still playing this?

I've been thinking of trying to get back into it once I finish Trauma Team, but I dunno. I feel like I can't really hang with you guys in multi anymore. Maybe I could... gasp... play some single player.
02/24/11, 19:08   
People who are still playing it... We have some n00bs and Mustache, anon, and myself once a week-ish.
02/24/11, 19:24   
Edited: 02/24/11, 19:25
Yeah but aren't you, Mustache, and anon all like HR 90s now?

I do kind of want to get back into the single player at some point, it's sort of a different beast than multi.
02/24/11, 19:31   
No, anon is still five-star and Mustache and I just entered six.

But I would advise doing single-player for a while. I enjoyed going through it. It really is different when 100% of the monster's attention is on you.
02/24/11, 19:36   
@Zero I'm in the same spot as you (haven't played in a while, completely left behind by those who were close in rank to me when last I played). Still HR 24, if you ever need anyone near your level to play with.
02/24/11, 20:54   
Zero said:
Are people still playing this?

More importantly, is anyone around HR 30ish still playing this?

I've been thinking of trying to get back into it once I finish Trauma Team, but I dunno. I feel like I can't really hang with you guys in multi anymore. Maybe I could... gasp... play some single player.

I still play sometimes. i got a second character too just for the kicks
02/24/11, 22:32   

I should be good tonight.. New router up and running!
02/25/11, 00:39   
Join us tonight, dude! It's been a while.
02/25/11, 01:24   

Yeah i got back on online after scrapping my old file and starting new. I'm about 33 or so. So we could get a three man team if you guys want to play.
02/25/11, 01:31   
Now we have too many people!
02/25/11, 02:02   

There better be room for me! The last two times I got on I had to watch Mikey party it up in a room of four while I re-organized my Talismans!!
02/25/11, 05:29   

You guys won't have to worry about me filling a room up on you, because thursdays don't normally have too much free time for me.
02/25/11, 05:53   
I think Anand got his lines crossed anyways. I think you were making reference to Zero and Ben_Strife, yes?

I'll more than likely be out with Anand and Anon_.

--Leaving work in 5 minutes!!
02/25/11, 06:03   
I fell asleep again, but I woke up this time! Man, I'm so narcoleptic.
02/25/11, 06:33   
I got a room.
02/25/11, 06:46   
....Annnnd my Wii refuses to read discs..

Unexpected and LOVELY.
02/25/11, 07:01   
Whaaaat? R U serious?

Wash the disc with soap and water!
02/25/11, 07:17   
Blow in it!
02/25/11, 07:18   
Man, some of those arena quests are hairy. The equipment sets that you get are so cool, though.
02/25/11, 17:56   
Yeah, I kind of see it like a time trials of sorts. I really wanna A/S rank something!
02/25/11, 17:58   
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