@Secret_TunnelThat was an interesting article. The degeneration part applies to our conversation. Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts was kind of a poor example, but he acknowledges that. One of my nephews used to play games on the NSO apps and save after literally every action. It was utterly horrifying to me. Like watching a puppy being tortured. It took Dark Souls to ease the new generation in and codify things, but save-anywhere is a choice that a developer REALLY needs to consciously consider the pros and cons of. Like lettuce on a sandwich. It's a vestigial oddity. Not always better, and usually MUCH worse. And, if it IS included, who is the developer balancing for? The save-scummer or the paragon of humanity who only saves after every level? Ammo and other limited consumables also need to be carefully evaluated for their effect on player behavior (hoarding). Along with acceleration buttons in arcade racing games. And fucking skill trees. And symmetrical diamond-shaped button layouts! Whyyyyyy... I admire Sakurai's method of breaking down what's fun about a genre and then trying to recreate that fun without being beholden to genre norms. Question everything! Because everyone else does it is not a good enough reason. On-screen cursors to select menu items in console games and multi-second button holds to select something... brr... |