@Secret_TunnelOh yeah, keep it going! Tunic is one of my favorite Indies and one of my most memorable game experiences of the whole generation. Let me get my complaints out of the way:
-The music absolutely is not my thing. All that low-key trance stuff. I would've preferred a heavier lean on atmospheric sounds (like Secret of Evermore or even Breath of the Wild) or a more traditional adventure game OST like A Link to the Past.
-The combat is really dense and sometimes way too difficult in a couple spots. This gets in the way of the fun mystery element a little. I would've liked just a hair more variety in progression beyond everything being overworld/dungeon. Would've helped the pacing.
-A specific element of solving some puzzles can get a little touchy/finicky even though the idea is excellent.
Besides those three things I thought this was great. Do your best not to look anything up, as some of this game's reveals were real highlights. I did have to double-check my "work" at the end, but I'd basically figured everything out by then. The way the manual acquisitions continue to reveal things about the game and gradually lift the (metaphorical) fog is masterful. I'd like to get the physical version at some point, more for the manual than the cart itself!