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Super Mario Maker 2 Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
9.12/10 from 11 user ratings |
Welcome to the official discussion thread for Super Mario Maker 2 on the Switch!
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Super Mario Maker 2 is finally here! I remember back when it was a mere hopeful game. Then it evolved into a rumor. Finally into fruition! It hasn't even really been that long since we've known of it. The day has come where the Negative World community gets the ball rolling on excellent levels. Many of our users have been known to make some incredible levels. Many even found notoriety in the course database online. I hope we'll see the same this time around. Perhaps with a bigger install base, the Switch will see even MORE levels from the humans of Earth, and hopefully more levels from Negative World. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------With the original game, I generated a simple but easy to use form which allowed us to specifically track all of our levels in one place. The game's system of level finding is actually even better than it was before, but I know many people who found this list of Negative World specific levels useful. So I really hope you all will consider using it again. Please use this official form here to fill out your information.Then simply go to, or save, this Negative World (and Twitter) Stage Collection List for perusal as you see fit.Be sure to talk about those stages in this thread too! Give the creators your feedback and praise! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Key Links:Super Mario Maker 2 @ Nintendo.comNintendo Life's Super Nindie Maker(Nintendo Life is trying to get other Nindie-developers to make and submit levels.)News/Alerts:Very Specific But Still Game-Crashing Bug Has Been Found (Nintendo Life)Reviews:Game Informer - 8.5/10 IGN.com - 9.5/10 My Nintendo News - 9/10 Nintendo Life - 10/10 Nintendo World Report - 8.5/10 Polygon - unscored URL to share (right click and copy)
06/28/19, 03:37 Edited: 06/28/19, 05:27
@TriforceBunYeah doubt Nintendo would actually implement such a requirement for completion, but it's a good rule for everybody to keep in mind, and definitely something all professional action game designers should follow. I hate games where it is literally impossible to not take damage! *growl* @canonjYup, I learned from the first game to always do a final pass with each course where I add some foam to sharp corners and make each section a bit easier than I think it should be, so long as it doesn't break anything. I wish we could modify our courses without deleting and reuploading them so we could actually make use of the feedback and maybe redesign areas with too many red x's where we didn't necessarily want people having too much trouble. I don't want to lose my comments and likes because they make me feel good inside. With the last game, I was also uploading hard versions of some of my courses, the way that I really wanted them to be, and using the NSMB theme for the easier versions since wall jumps and the air twirl move generally helps. I might do that again here and there, because I really doubt I'm ever going to use up all 32 course slots... will probably get bored with making courses in a few months again and move on, if I know myself. @Mop it upI have one friend who would be great to use to get feedback, but we only get to hang out once or twice a month due to adult life being nonsense slavery. I'd actually love to design a course with him. It'd be really neat if they would make some collaboration feature where you can do this all online with voice chat and stuff, maybe both working on the level in your available time until you're both satisfied... but Nintendo would never do anything like that, sadly. |
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