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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
12/06/18, 17:12 Edited: 12/06/18, 17:13
@TriforceBun I see; I completely missed the star rankings for each spirit at first. I tried to go into this game as (relatively) uninformed as possible, so that more of it could be a surprise. But clearly, I missed out on some info that would have made things less frustrating for me. My bad, lol. I've been playing for a few hours now, and still have only unlocked a few characters; I think right now I have Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Fox, Marth (who I've primarily been using), Lucas, Pac-Man, and Duck Hunt dog, in the single player. I also unlocked Ness, Zelda, and Bowser outside of the single-player, when they randomly appeared as fighters. I really hope I can unlock some more characters who I like soon, like Corrin, Richter, Peach, and Snake :s :s |
@Secret_Tunnel To be honest, I haven't noticed a difference between wired and wireless (5ghz here, for me). I think it's honestly just how the game is, and I think some people are just more sensitive to it than others. The game has already confirmed to have more lag than Brawl, using any controller configuration. Add another frame of lag for online play, and yeah, it's going to kind of feel like the game is underwater. My brain always feels a step ahead of the action on screen. The only way Bandi-Namco could really remedy this would be to potentially: a.) Decrease any kind of artificial input buffer they have in the game (not uncommon in fighting games. A buffer helps players input frame perfect inputs so that they don't have to be AS precise when inputting moves) b.) Change the game's graphical rendering pipeline to reduce lag. There's the potential that this game's graphics may add to input delay, which isn't uncommon for HD games this generation. (PS4 games, for instance, require a triple buffer V-Sync, which is why most PS4 games tend to have more of an input delay than their XBox One counterparts) ST, if I had to guess, I'd say your connection is probably fine. This is just how it's going to be, from what I can tell. |
@TriforceBunIt honestly isn't very hard at all if you're at least pretty good at Smash. I could probably make it in with a bunch of characters, maybe even most, unless it was just easier when the game was new, which I kinda doubt. I haven't spent a HUGE amount of time playing quick play matches, yet both Samuses and ROB are still in Elite Smash. I haven't even touched ROB since that first session and he's still there. And I was shocked when I got to Elite with him, I didn't play for a super long time with him. I had a good streak though. I don't really get what it's calculating to put you in Elite Smash. And I got into it with all 3 in one sitting, not spending a super long time with any of them. I had a pretty good win ratio though, maybe that was it? I only lost a few with all 3. ROB is 900,870 or somerhing like that and my Samuses are 1,110,000ish each. I noticed when I got to the 900k ish point was when I got into Elite for all three. |
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