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Mega Man 11 Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
05/29/18, 20:08 Edited: 10/02/18, 21:46
Trying the demo now. I'm kind of meh about it . The visuals are pleasant to look at, especially the colour palette, but everything is kind of bland. The controls do their job, but something about them feels ever so slightly off to me. Not that they're imprecise, but in the sense that it doesn't feel exactly like Mega Man to me. Can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about the flow, the shooting and the jumping that doesn't feel right. Not as rewarding, not enough oomph. Might have something to do with the sound, because man, that's pretty bad by Mega Man standards. The sound effects are weak, the music is nowhere near the quality it should be (the style is all wrong, IMO) and Mega Man needs to shut the fuck up. Don't want to sound too down on this, but it's not exactly Mega Man 9, this. @TriforceBunDon't bet on it being a phase. The only reason any of these practices disappear is that they're going into hibernation until the consumers are sufficiently malleable to the changes at which point they come back, or if they come up with another way of maximizing profit at our expense. Capcom is no longer a company that I feel comfortable supporting, especially not as a Switch owner. |
@TriforceBunYou can turn off the voices? I must have misread the menus! Will replay the demo with them turned off! They could have gone with the Inti Creates team, or tried to hire an all-star team of the old composers (I mean, they've done that before after all), but based on what I've played I don't think the game deserves that kind of soundtrack. EDIT: Oh maaaaaan, I'm so happy you pointed out that I could turn off the voices. I have no idea how I missed that in the menu since I actually actively looked for the option and everything! I blame this cold that I've got coming on. I also realized a tiny thing that makes me think that this game doesn't feel right. We don't get that minor time stop effect and bleeping noise when we pick up health and stuff anymore. I actually really miss that. It made it feel more rewarding to heal, and it made it more noticeable just how much health you got back. It's like when Zelda games do the little lag on sword hits and stuff like that. There are more minor details that add up, for me. Like totally inconsequential stuff that don't really affect anything in terms of gameplay, but still irk me. Like how you can't 'ride' the screen scrolling when entering the boss rooms. Like, you jump into the door and then the scrolling pushes you through into the room without Mega Man touching the ground. You can't do that anymore. I miss the small touches, because they are indicative of how much love went into the project. EDIT: Lol, just noticed that RawMeatCowboy over at GoNintendo has noticed the same thing about the boss doors. |
@GameDadGrantOh yeah, I forgot about your...inclinations. I didn't expect this new game to be exactly like the old, but these things I'm talking about have an impact on parts of the gameplay that should feel the same across the board when talking about games in a series. They affect how it feels to move around and by extension how I play the game, and it doesn't play quite like Mega Man should, to me. The boss room jump isn't the biggest issue, it's just the wax cherry on top of this sundae that I'm starting to fear might be more shaving cream than ice cream at this point, but all the other smaller parts add up. This is the type of thing that Nintendo treats like a science in its own right, and makes sure that Mario's weight and momentum, for instance, feels right, before they apply new mechanics on top of the core platforming. It would be totally possible for them to do all the other new stuff, like the gear system and the big-ass bosses and even crazier things, while still keeping the old details in place. |
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