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E3 2017 Predict-a-ton! RESULTS!
This year was quite a positive one for the ol' Nintendo. Gaming fans young and old… Nintendo or otherwise… found things to love. At the center of all that was the main man himself… Super Mario! Surprisingly though, it's releasing earlier than expected! We also received news on where Metroid has been at, so those folks won big! Yet… we still don't know what's going on with Retro… a mystery remains. We hope they're okay! The 3DS didn't have too much to show for itself though Metroid: Samus Returns certainly was a big deal. That Rabbids/Mario cross-over was some legit noise! This was E3 2017.  How did you predictions fare? Lets find out! -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-A) Expected : 2pts 01) Super Mario Odyssey dated for November 02) More details on Nintendo Switch’s Online Service 03) Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Trailer 04) New amiibo revealed 05) Details on the upcoming Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC. 06) New Nindies Announced (at least two) 07) New Mario Party game revealed 08) Upcoming ARMS post-release content shown 09) At least 2 new Switch retail games from Nintendo 10) At least 2 new 3DS retail games from Nintendo B) Rumored : 4pts 01) Mario + Rabbids to have Unique amiibo 02) Mobile Game based on The Legend of Zelda 03) Remake/Sequel to Motion-Controls-prominent Wii title 04) Pokken Tournament coming to Switch 05) Deluxe version of Super Smash Bros. 4 announced for Switch 06) New Main-line Animal Crossing Game Unveiled 07) More DLC coming for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 08) Special Edition Consoles for Monster Hunter XX Coming to Switch or 3DS in North America 09) Assassins Creed Coming to Switch 10) FF7 Remake Coming to Switch C) High risk: 6 pts 01) Pokemon Stars Revealed For 2017 Release 02) New Joy-con Type (i.e. True D-Pad, GameCube Joystick, Camera nub, etc) 03) New Content Coming For Super Smash Bros. 4 Deluxe for Switch 04) Beyond Good & Evil 2 Reveal for Switch 05) Something new from Retro Studios (finally!) 06) Kid-Icarus / Paper Mario / Pikmin 4 Switch Titles Shown 07) SNES Classic Edition Debuts 08) E3 Demos on the eShop 09) Playable Super Mario Maker 2 for Switch 10) Skyward Sword HD Announced for Nintendo Switch D) MEGATON : 10 pts 01) New ‘True’ Metroid Revealed 02) Pokemon amiibo series 03) Nintendo Land Sequel Announced 04) Kingdom Hearts 3 Coming To Switch 05) Wii U Games on Switch Virtual Console 06) 3DS Successor Info Leaks 07) NES Classic Edition Back In Production 08) ‘Mother 3’ Officially Announced 09) Cross-Buy Officially Embraced By Nintendo 10) Nintendo obtains new 2nd Party Developer Bonus Prediction: (OPTIONAL)These franchises haven't seen a new game in a while. WIN or LOSE 50 points by picking one to be announced. Remember, this is optional! Choose from: 1080 Snowboarding, Advance Wars, Eternal Darkness, Excite, F-Zero, Golden Sun, Ice Climbers, Kid Icarus, Mega Man, Metroid, Pokemon Snap, Punch-Out!!, Star Tropics, Wario, Wave Race.-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-This year's winner happens to be a tie! (This happened for both Negative World and NinTemple in fact!) FIRST PLACE: InfinityWave & Ploot: 34 pts
SECOND PLACE: ShadowLink: 32 pts
Third Place: TriforceBun: 26 pts
legendofalex: 4 pts V_s: 0 pts deathly_hallows: 0 pts jacksrb: 0 ptsSecret_Tunnel: -2 pts anon_mastermind: -4 pts CPA Wei: -8 pts Anand: -8 pts ludist210: -10 pts canonj: -10 pts Zero: -10 pts DrFinkelstein: -12 pts Super_Conzo: -12 pts Smerd: -24 pts mrbiggsly: -26 pts Pokefreak911: -26 pts Mop it up: -28 pts GameDadGrant: -30 pts nate38: -68 ptsThis year's results were just such a surprise. The event was light on new Nindies and those Rabbids figurines are not amiibo. Beyond Good and Evil II got it's great unveiling but was never confirmed for Switch. A new Switch Pokemon game was confirmed but it's not Pokemon Stars (as we know) and it's not for 2017. A lot of these were half right in some respects, but half right doesn't earn points! I hope you all had a really great week last week and I hope this has been a fun game for you. Again I want to thank InfinityWave for his inspiration and for Ploot for the assist in creating the thing. Have a great summer! Until next E3… see ya! URL to share (right click and copy)
06/19/17, 04:55 Edited: 06/19/17, 04:58
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