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Puyo Puyo Tetris Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
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Welcome to the official discussion thread for Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Switch!
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Like Archie and the Predator, some mixtures are just crazy enough to work. Enter Puyo Puyo Tetris for Switch--two classic puzzlers in one, and then some--to satisfy any puzzle fan's tastes. Regardless of which game is your pleasure, you'll find modes aplenty to keep you busy, including online multiplayer and the lesser-seen offline multi (with bots and teams, no less)! And you're sure to find a newfound appreciation for the puzzler that you're less familiar with, as the game has no shortage of tutorials to ease you in, and even wacky mixes of both games together. It's getting rave reviews, so go check it out now! Or if you're on the fence, there's a great little free demo on the eShop to look at too. It even includes multiplayer! URL to share (right click and copy)
04/25/17, 22:19 Edited: 04/25/17, 22:22
@ZeroThere's a really crazy mode called Fusion that actually mixes the two games together (although I haven't tried that one yet). But there's also a back-and-forth mode called Swap where players play one game for about half a minute before it switches to the other. If either board reaches the top, that player loses. It's surprisingly fun! I'd definitely recommend getting the demo just to try it out--it's surprisingly full-featured and has both Versus Mode (where you can battle in either Tetris, or Puyo, or each player can pick their own choice) and Swap Mode (where it switches regularly as described above). Both available for up to 4P in the demo, including CPU characters and even teams, so you can team up with a bud to take on the CPUs. I've only dabbled in the other modes a bit since it came out today, but there're a good number of them. Big Bang is a fast-paced vs mode where you clear out the board over and over again really quickly to hit an opponents' life bar. Party Mode is similar to Tetris DS's use of items, although it's on a timer instead of elimination (when the screen fills up, it empties again and gives the other guy some sort of boost). Fusion is the ambitious mixing of both games. The 1P Adventure Mode is kind of insane with a really silly story and a huge (!?) amount of voice acting for some reason. There's an in-game currency and a number of unlockables too. My only real complaint right now is an overall one with Tetris: the infinite-spin mechanic is still pretty much here, and I always thought it was dumb. Like in Tetris DS, it doesn't make a huge difference in multiplayer modes since you have to be fast, but it does take a lot of the appeal away from the classic Tetris "marathon" mode. Tetris has been evolving subtly since its inception and while I quite like some of these elements (quick-drop, ghosting, holding pieces), I still submit that the infinite spin is a mistake, and I'm not a fan of the really unintuitive T-spin mechanic either. |
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