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Super Mario Odyssey Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch
9.5/10 from 31 user ratings

Welcome to the official discussion thread for Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch!

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Super Mario Odyssey Review (Nintendo Switch) (9.7)  by  

A new entry in the Super Mario series is upon is! We are just days away now from the glorious Super Mario Odyssey! Run, jump, and explore your way through plenty of 'Kingdoms' setup similarly to the great Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine! This is the Mario game everyone has been waiting for!

Check out Nintendo's now-famous Super Mario Odyssey 1:30~ long commercial!

And check out some of the glorious screens as well! Soon you'll be able to use the special mode found inside the game to pause the action at anytime for a photo, but you can also change the angle in anyway way also. Quite a neat feature.

Notable Links: (courtesy of Nintendo Everything)
EDGE Magazine Leak Gives Super Mario Odyssey a Perfect 10/10
Famitsu Review Details for Super Mario Odyssey

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02/12/17, 22:01    Edited: 10/25/17, 06:01
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
I'd actually personally like to see a direct sequel a la Galaxy 2, as similar to Galaxy 1 I feel Odyssey has a lot of potential and could easily fill a whole new game with a slew of new kingdoms, enemy abilities, and outfits. There's so much which can be done not just with Mario's base moveset, but also the capture enemies, that I could see the dev team having a lot of leftover ideas they didn't have time to implement in the same way Galaxy 2 was born.

As for the timeframe, since it would reuse a lot of assets from Odyssey then the dev time would be shorter. Something to keep in mind about Galaxy 2 is that its release was actually held back to space it out from NSMBWii's release, it's tough to say when it would have released if not for that game but the point is that it was ready to go ahead of when it was released. With this in mind, I could see an Odyssey 2 making the holiday period of 2019, though depending on what else they have planned I wouldn't be surprised if it's the May 2020 game.
11/08/18, 22:48   
I'd love to see Odyssey 2 as well. Now that they worked out the basic formula, just go crazy with new gameplay ideas.
11/08/18, 23:16   

Ha ha, didn't Odyssey already GO crazy?? Man, can you imagine what would come AFTER "yeah, then you turn into a T-rex with a mustache."
11/13/18, 23:18   
Never underestimate Nintendo's ability to top themselves!
11/15/18, 21:28   
Edited: 11/15/18, 21:44
@Mop it up

Good point! I would not have expected Odyssey. Or heck, even Galaxy!
11/15/18, 21:37   
It's too bad you can't use the picture filters when actually playing the game. It would be fun to walk around the city like this:

12/06/18, 02:16   
@Mop it up

That would look pretty cool! Noir-io!
12/06/18, 03:00   
My non-gamer gf suggested we try out the co-op mode in Odyssey, and we've been having a blast. It's my first time really digging into the game since it came out in 2017. Sorry Pizza Tower, you're on hold for a bit, nothing personal.

It's funny, because at the time, I remember saying:

Secret_Tunnel said:
21. Super Mario Odyssey - Like I always say: this is a Marvel movie in an industry that hasn't figured out how to make Marvel movies. It's a darn good game, but there are no other darn good games, so it stands out! (The freedom it gives the player is great.)

That's from my "top games of the 2010s" post, from 2019. And re-reading that list now, all those other games are darn good—dare I say, dang good.

But many of them are one-trick ponies that you can't revisit. I replayed Portal 2 last year, and it was way less fun now that I know everything that happens. Same with Little Inferno, as well as, of course, Frog Fractions. On that same note, many of the stories in these games resonate with me less now than they did when I was 15. Bioshock and Okami were in my top five games of all time back in 2007. Now? I haven't replayed them in a while, but I just can't imagine enjoying them as much. So while Starseed Pilgrim is very neat and poetic, that story-based style falls flat for me these days.

Something I've realized in the past couple years is that a game like Mario Odyssey will always be fun, and that the fun it offers is much deeper than the novelty of twisty indie games. Like, World of Goo 2 would have blown my mind just as much as the first game did, if it had come out back then, but I need a little more replayable substance than that now to call a game one of my all-time favorites. What I seem to have been gesturing at with my "the industry doesn't know how to make good games" comment was a shift in my preferences away from games that rely on style and story towards games with more fundamental qualities.

With Pizza Tower's release, I've been thinking a lot about movement tech in games, and Mario Odyssey is the unrivaled king. It's so FUN! There's so much room for experimentation and mastery.

Is Mario Odyssey better than Mario 64? With B3313 replacing my nostalgia with terror, it's a little easier for me to see that Mario 64's level design can't hold a candle to Odyssey's. The one thing 64 has going for it that Odyssey lacks is a mysterious cohesive sense of place in its castle, but if we're talking about the levels themselves? Odyssey is way more fun and immediate and varied. Not every moon is fun, but the beauty of its design is that you can skip the ones you don't care about.

So yeah, this is one of the GOATs for me, and if I set aside my nostalgia for the N64 games, I have no issue saying that Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild stand side-by-side as the pinnacles of their series.

(But I will never set aside my nostalgia for the N64 games! Winner: Ocarina of Time.)
09/03/24, 22:15   
Edited: 09/03/24, 22:38
I think back on this one so fondly. I think it’s majorly underrated, in a way. I know people love it and it sold a ton, but I almost feel like it’s not a game a ton of people talk about anymore. I need to play it again one day, but my memory puts it right behind Mario 64. It’s the only one of the 3D Marios that’s really come close to capturing a similar kind of magic.
09/04/24, 06:07   
Seven years later and this is still my fave Switch game.

Yeah, the co-cap mode is surprisingly decent for what it is. Obviously not as good as if both players could control their own character like Mario and Luigi or whoever, although I'm still unsure of the logistics for that in a full 3D game. I've also done a co-cap playthrough with my significant other and it was pretty fun, certainly a different experience than normal. Trying to coordinate things like cap jumps and captures and such can lead to some pretty hilarious moments! It's interesting how some things become easier and others, much, much more difficult...!
09/04/24, 20:28   
I need to replay this game. It's been long enough for me to completely forget all of the surprises!

I did 100% the new Astro Bot on PS5. It was a fun, solid game, with tons of care and attention to detail (and some camera niggles and annoying enemy attack patterns), but I do think that it ripped off a LOT of stuff from Mario. And the core 3D platforming mechanics were nowhere near as fun and expressive as those of Odyssey and Sunshine. It felt more like Galaxy, except with a hover nozzle.
10/28/24, 03:37   
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