Eh, I don't really see any need for them to re-invent the wheel again with the next Zelda game, especially since I see plenty of room for improving/refining what they've achieved with BotW. I say keep the engine/art-style/gameplay/etc. in tact for at least another game, and focus on the content side of things and go crazy with it. I'd rather have another Zelda game in ~3 years that further exercises the potential that this type of 3D Zelda game can offer. @autokymaticThe last 4 or 5 took me quite a while to find. I was sure I'd find one in a certain region that I didn't explore a ton of, and also had plenty of empty space on the map, but there wasn't one there as it turned out. Just keep trying...you'll come across them eventually. @ShadowlinkThe thing for me is, it's clear where most of the development focus of BotW was and what got the most attention. I feel like a sequel with an increased emphasis on storytelling, quest design, dungeons and world-building -- while sticking with BotW's open-world framework and rules set -- could not only be better than BotW, but a lot better. That potential has me really excited for the series going forward, because BotW was the shot-in-the-arm it really needed and there's a lot there to build off of. |