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Metroid Prime: Federation Force Discussion (Nintendo 3DS) [game]
08/20/16, 16:40 Edited: 08/20/16, 16:49
@AnandI disagree sorta, I think it's fine to criticize a game based on the trailer or other information, and in the case of this game much of the criticism leveled against it was valid, IMO, namely that it's not a substitute for a "real" Metroid game (aka an atmospheric, lonely, single player exploration game). That said, I think this game is pretty well made, it's not amazing but it's not awful, it probably wouldn't have gotten so much hate if it was released along side a proper Metroid, or if it was simply called something else. It really does seem to be a totally different kind of game with a thin superficial coating of Metroid on the surface. It kind of reminds me of Star Fox Adventures in that way, another "okay" game that could have stood on it's own and simply didn't need to have an arbitrary license slapped on to it (accept at least Star Fox Adventures has Star Fox in it). |
@deathly_hallowsSure, you can criticize certain aspects of a game, based on the trailer, but calling it a 'bad game' when you haven't actually played it is poor form, in my book. No matter what our good buddy metacritic has to say. I can say that I no longer want to try No Man's Sky, but I'm absolutely unqualified to call it a shitty game. Conversely, I am absolutely qualified to call Gran Turismo a shitty game, based on my experience with it, regardless of its aggregated score. Also, if your opinion of the quality of a game would vary based upon external factors, then is it genuinely your opinion of that game? It's like fashion. How can the same outfit look cool now, but laughable in 10 years?! It's absurd! Hence, shorts and t-shirts. |
@VofEscaflowneWell no it's not fair, just like it wasn't fair that millions of people thought Wii U was an add on for Wii and not a new console, but in both of those cases I feel like it was Nintendo's fault for not handling the marketing correctly. I'm sure they figured the Metroid name alone would be enough to win over the fans but that was obviously a huge misstep. In general Nintendo seems pretty tone deaf to what Metorid fans want in a game, which is a little frustrating from my point of view seeing how they bend over backwards to cater to fans of Smash Bros. No one likes to see an series they care about be treated like a red-headed step child while the other children are put on golden pedestals. Nintendo should have seen the backlash coming a mile away but they were totally dumbfounded by the reaction, which in turn dumbfounded me lol. @AnandYeah I agree, the problem with Federation Force was based on the PR and how it was marketed/positioned, calling it definitely a "bad game" without playing it would be stupid. It's like the millions of people who hate on Call of Duty because it's a generic military shooter, fair enough! But you can't say it's a bad generic military shooter unless you've played it! I loudly criticized Federation Force for being a co-op shooter that doesn't feature Samus, and I stick by that criticism as a poor choice by Nintendo, but I never said it was a bad game, in fact I always assumed it would be pretty good because of the develpers track record. @cooliocuneoMy problem with the design of the soldiers and mechs is not that they have big heads (although yeah... getting rid of the big heads would be an improvement, Samus especially looks awful in the game), it's that they are utterly devoid of creativity, the mechs could not be more plain and generic looking, which is definitely not par for the course for a Metroid game. People criticize Hunters for multiple reasons, fair enough, but all of the new stuff in that game looked amazing, and the design of the Hunters was spot on, each one looked unique and pretty awesome. Maybe Nintendo should have had Retro at least chip in on designing the mechs, I mean mechs! They should be awesome, but they look like nothing. |
@VofEscaflowneI think the fanbase of any major franchise would react the same under similar circumstances. Imagine if EA decided to release Madden Tennis instead of their traditional football game this year, but they still called it Madden, don't you think the were be an outcry on the internet? Of course EA has every right to stop making football games and start making tennis instead, they never specially said the Madden brand would be restricted to football, and they never promised to make a football game every year, so the fans would technically have no right to complain. But complain they would, because even if EA never specifically promised Madden would always be football it's what people expect, and changing it to a different sport would go against those expectations. I mean to me it just seems logical that people were upset by this game, just like I'd expect people to be upset if Sony stopped making Gran Turismo racing sims and instead made a poker game called Gran Turismo. People would be upset if Sony stopped making Gran Turismo period, because it's a franchise people like, but if they stopped making them and at the same time made an entirely different kind of game and called it Gran Turismo it would just seem cruel, like adding insult to injury or rubbing salt in a wound. This is why I think this whole thing was a big miscalculation, this game should never have existed, or it should have been called something else, or it should have been released alongside a main-line Metroid games and marketed as a fun spin-off the way Metroid Prime Pinball was. The way it stands now you can't even call this a spin-off, because you can't have a spin-off to a franchise that otherwise doesn't exist. For better of for worse this is the only Metroid game Nintendo has released in the past 5 years, and for all we know it will be the last Metroid game ever made because even though a lot of people assume there will be a new Metroid game on the NX a lot of people also assumed there would be a Metroid game on Wii U, and there wasn't. |
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