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Project X Zone 2 Discussion (Nintendo 3DS) [game]
03/15/16, 23:45 Edited: 03/15/16, 23:47
@VofEscaflowneJust as bad? What?! It's just as GOOD! Maybe even better! Man, I love the turn-based SRPG gameplay mixed with these "fighting game-lite" battles. There's really nothing else quite like it. So unique and fun! How well you do in each encounter is really dependent on the PLAYER, instead of random, behind-the-scenes "dice rolls" like in other games. The timing needed to keep combos going, when to call in assist partners, and get the most XP and Cross Attacks (and maybe finish off with a Super Move) reminds me of the Mario & Luigi battles, where pressing the button (or doing the action, whatever) at the right time deals more damage. IMO, it keeps the battles from getting stale...a sometimes unavoidable drag when it comes to this genre. The completely insane story, goofy dialogue and nostalgia-soaked references are just icing on the cake. IMO, anyway! |
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