@carlosroxI didn't mean it as a knock against TP, I just meant that I'd rather have a complete overhaul of the visuals like Wind Waker HD did to really improve it. Wind Waker HD felt and looked new, and while Twilight Princess HD does look better now, it would have been amazing if it was completely reworked on and looked like the tech demo as I mentioned.
I mean just imagine if they reworked TP to look like this, I'd have bought it in a heartbeat
Now if they ever do an HD Metroid Prime, I would love it if it got brought into a new engine, reworked textures, lighting, animations, everything! Esp. if they got it to run in 60fps
Enough time has passed, I think, that Metroid Prime could use more than just a simple HD port, but more of a remaster, like Resident Evil did with REmake.