Done! I'll spiffy thus one up a but when I get back from out of state. Here for some sudden family business.
However, my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles X is arriving tomorrow and I am stoked! The reviews have been generally positive. I guess the game lacks slightly in areas but they can be overlooked for the sheer density and fun this game has. Looking forward to diving into it next week. Hopefully when I return sunday.
You get blade medals when you complete squad tasks. So when the bottom right portion of your screen tells you to kill twenty bunny rabbits you'll get three reward tickets per rabbit and maybe a blade medal. Or apparently if you fully level up a scout blade you'll get a medal, but I've never done that so I don't know how it works
I need to beat the Blood Lobster quest must because I need to see how that ends. I'll probably just pull up a guide/map so I can locate all the lobsters though.
Chapter 9 can eat a dick. This stupid boss fight is too tough, and I refuse to lower the difficulty. Who thought a fight against six guys at once, and not allowing you to use your skell was a good idea?
Hmm, my memory is so bad, I don't remember that one. One thing the game doesn't make very clear is that you can have your whole party target a single enemy, which helps a lot in these fights against a big group, because otherwise everyone just starts fighting their own enemy. I forget how to do that, hold one of the trigger buttons and press up or something?
Otherwise I dunno, a lot of these fights just depend on being at the right level.
Oh yeah another thing I forgot to mention, for SOME (but, if I recall correctly, not all) fights you can just focus on a single enemy, kill it, run away and heal up a bit, and come back and it is still gone. So in these big group fights you can pick them off 1 by 1 this way.
I'm not sure if this works on main bosses though. Probably not?