It seems like a longshot to me, considering that Nintendo would be kind of entrusting their hardware future to Google, but I think it would have quite a few advantages.
Sure, there have been set-top devices that play Android games, and they haven't exactly lit the world on fire. But this would be different: An actual flagship home console with home console games, with Android support as a side-feature/trojan horse. So users could play a full suite of Nintendo games, as well as any notable mobile games, portably and at home. Heck, maybe even some third-party stuff! Seems like a win for the children's market at the very least. A version of Minecraft on day one, access to the handful of critically acclaimed exclusive mobile software, board games ports, ... other... mobile stuff... Just having the OS would basically guarantee infinite third-party support, regardless of what happens to the shriveling AAA market. Heck, the NX could even serve as a stable target hardware configuration for ultra-high-spec mobile games.
There are also downsides, of course. The Android OS would cost money, is easily broken, and is not necessarily compatible with the engines that most third-party games run on, and the software releases from both sides of the fence could step on each other's toes. Particularly in terms of pricing and different versions. So maybe Nintendo would have to create a more secure variant, get engine support, and curate the app store?
I dunno. What would you guys think about this? Like I said, it's a huge longshot, since Nintendo's not traditionally a fan of giving up control (in terms of hardware, software, engines, OS, etc.), but it's not like Nintendo's OSeseses are what make their games fun. I think the positives could outweigh the negatives. Provided that Nintendo could stop people from hacking the shit out of it or pirating their newest games on a tablet.
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