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Yooka-Laylee Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
7.88/10 from 5 user ratings |
Welcome to the official discussion thread for Yooka-Laylee on the Switch!
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 Yooka-Laylee is the new, upcoming, platform collect-a-thon style game from Playtonic Games. This developer is made up mostly of some of the greatest people to ever work for Rare back in it's hay-day. The game clearly takes inspiration from Banjo-Kazooie from the colorful visuals, the dual-buddy gameplay, and the music from Grant Kirkhope. The great David Wise also joins! Join this Chameleon and Bat duo on an epic adventure! Coming to pretty much all popular platforms next year. Projected release date is October 2016. The original Kickstarter earned £2,090,104 with 73,206 backers! This was the USD equivalent of $3,270,281.22. It was the fastest video game kickstarter ever in the U.K. to reach it's significant goal. Early screenshots are below and much more information can be found at the Kickstarter main page!  The power of print.
 Idle bats: The Devil's playmates.
 Stealth mode or duck button?URL to share (right click and copy)
05/02/15, 18:53 Edited: 12/13/17, 03:51
I've been playing this for quite a while now, and I have to say I think it's a worthy spiritual successor to the Banjo-Kazooie games overall, but it's certainly not as good as either of the N64 adventures.
I think I've got two main issues with the game. Firstly and most importantly, the environments being too spacious for their own good. The old games (the first one in particular) had comparatively small worlds with a lot going on, and more clearly defined sections to help you navigate and structure your approach. Games like Breath of the Wild or Skyrim can have large areas of nothingness as an amplifier to the areas that do have activity, but in a game like this it just feels barren and artificially expanded, and the pacing is hurt because of this, I think.
Secondly, the minigames are shit. I usually have a high tolerance for this kind of stuff, but they're just downright bad. I love 100%-ing these collectathons, but I doubt that's gonna happen this time around because of the Pagies hidden in Rextro's arcade machines. Even the minecart levels feel lacking, despite them having awesome tunes like this:
But other than that I think Yooka-Laylee does a lot of things right. It's got the exact Rare feel to its characters and menus and stuff that I've been longing for (although Laylee is no Kazooie), it's got all the grunts and burps in all the right places, the music's got the appropriate style (even if David Wise's tracks, as awesome as they are, sound more at home in Tropical Freeze) the controls aren't perfect but good enough, and there's a ton of stuff to collect and do, without having too many different varieties to keep track of.
With tighter, more carefully designed world layouts, even crazier transformations and over-the-top characters and less crap minigames I'll be all over a sequel. |
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