The final testfire was an odd one. It seems it stopped working for just about everyone, so they extended it for another hour. Maybe they were trying a different server setup or something like that, but either way, hopefully Nintendo have gathered enough data from these to be able to provide a solid launch.
A few more people showed up in chat this time compared to my last time, so that was nice to see. It was fun to chat with you folks about the game, and hear about how your matches were going.
As for me, this time I went with the Splattershot Jr., and I never switched out because I was worried about getting errors if I tried to start a new game. Although I don't think it's as fun to use as the normal Splattershot, it seems to have better utility: its spray is a little better at covering the ground, and the shield special definitely helps in skirmishes. Without the shield though, its combat ability is a bit lacking, though that doesn't matter too much in Turf War. I still prefer the fun carnage of unlimited bombs though. I saw a lot less rollers this time than previously, though there were still a couple cases where a team had three of them. This time there were more charge guns, I guess people wanted to learn them and some people did use them well. My performance was better this time, as I often ended up as the top player in the match; it's tough to tell if I got better or if I just didn't run into competition as stiff. Maybe a little of both. Of the few games I lost, a couple were because someone on our team dropped or was inactive, which is a tough handicap to overcome. It'd be nice if they let a player join mid-match.
It hasn't changed my opinion or buying plans, but it wasn't supposed to; I just wanted to play one more time. |