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--E3 2014 Predict-a-ton Challenge is open!--

Nintendo. Digital. Event.

Can such a generic sounding package contain megatons? And can you, dear reader, predict them?

This year's E3 presentation livestreams on June 10th at 9am PT, 12pm EST, 5pm BST. With only a few days to go, now's the time to unleash your Nintendo Nostradamus and enter the 2014 Predict-a-ton!


How To Play:

Here are four sets of statements, grouped by megaton-osity. Pick whichever you think will come true. (choose as MANY as you like eg. A01, A03, A13, B02, B03, C5...)

But choose wisely! These predictions are increasingly valuable and increasingly risky. Correct picks win you points, incorrect picks lose you points. Can you score more than 0? Many have tried and failed. Last year's winner was infinitywave with a suspiciously record +24 points.

Please post your predictions by the end of June 9th.

No editing.

Any statements that are officially confirmed in advance of the presentation will be grayed out and you won't be able to pick them after that, so it might help to get your guesses in early.

For the purposes of this challenge, all information that surfaces during the course of E3 will be taken into account. That includes the Digital Event, Treehouse streaming, press meetings, showfloor revelations, interviews, online news, and any additional announcements before the doors close.

A) Expected : 2pts

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance

02) New NFC game unveiled

03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration

04) Bayonetta 2 confirmed for this year (US)

05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

06) Anniversary promotion

07) Zelda U to release 2015

08) New Gamepad focused games

09) Reggie meme

10) No graphs

B) Rumored : 4pts

01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

02) Majora's Mask remake for 3DS

03) Pokken Tournament unveiled

04) New HD re-release

05) First look at Fatal Frame 5, confirmed for US

06) Zelda U playable on showfloor

07) S.T.E.A.M. unveiled

08) New IP from Miyamoto team

09) Yarn Yoshi reappearance

10) NFC used in Smash Brothers

C) High risk: 6 pts

01) New Metroid title

02) New Mario series or spin-off (not a sequel)

03) X confirmed for 2014 in the US

04) Wii U release of Bayonetta 1

05) Mario Kart track/mode/character DLC

06) New 3rd party Wii U exclusive (physical)

07) Previously unnannounced 1st party U game for 2014 (physical)

08) Monolith Soft 3DS game announced

09) Next Level Games new project

10) E3 demos available in eShop

D) MEGATON : 10 pts

01) Zelda U for 2014

02) New 3DS model

03) Galaxy 3 or Prime 4

04) Nintendo MMORPG

05) Monster Hunter Quattro Wii U

06) Console revision

07) Virtual Console goes to mobile

08) Intelligent Systems bringing Paper Mario or Fire Emblem to Wii U

09) EA support

10) QOL platform

Bonus Prediction: (OPTIONAL)

Will these dormant franchises get a new game announcement? 50 points for a correct guess, -50 points if it doesn't show! Remember, this is optional.

Choose ONE franchise from: Star Fox, Advance Wars, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080 Snowboarding, Wario Platformer, Metroid, Star Tropics, Trauma Center, Pokemon Snap, Rune Factory, Endless Ocean, Excite, Punch-Out!!, No More Heroes., Flipnote and Dragon Quest (mainline).




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06/06/14, 01:02    Edited: 06/06/14, 01:42
You think you're being cautious?? Here are my choices...

A01, A03, A05, A08, A09

B01, B10

C02, C03, C05, C06
06/06/14, 17:22   
Hooray - always love this challenge and always surprised how few people end up with positive points.

A) Expected :

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance

02) New NFC game unveiled

03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration

07) Zelda U to release 2015

09) Reggie meme

10) No graphs

B) Rumored : 4pts

01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

06) Zelda U playable on showfloor

09) Yarn Yoshi reappearance

10) NFC used in Smash Brothers

C) High risk: 6 pts

02) New Mario series or spin-off (not a sequel)

D) MEGATON : 10 pts
06/06/14, 17:54   
A) Expected : 2pts

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance

02) New NFC game unveiled

03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration

04) Bayonetta 2 confirmed for this year (US)

05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

07) Zelda U to release 2015

08) New Gamepad focused games

09) Reggie meme

B) Rumored : 4pts

01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

05) First look at Fatal Frame 5, confirmed for US

09) Yarn Yoshi reappearance

10) NFC used in Smash Brothers
06/06/14, 19:56   
@DrFinkelstein I also think there's a good chance a Metroid game will be at least mentioned, but I'm just being careful!
06/06/14, 20:47   
Yay, lots of entries already!

I keep the challenge more focused now, just ten statements per group, but I try to make sure those options cover a lot of possibilities.

Going to be an interesting show. Nintendo is creatively very strong right now and has had a lot of experience with both their machines. This should be the time the best software shows up.
06/06/14, 22:37   
Edited: 06/06/14, 22:46
I was so sure I was finally going to have some really risky predictions this time, but I talked myself out of all of them... :(

A) Expected : 2pts
01) Legend of Zelda U appearance
02) New NFC game unveiled
03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration
05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

B) Rumored : 4pts
01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

C) High risk: 6 pts
05) Mario Kart track/mode/character DLC
06/07/14, 04:03   
@Mop it up

What would you hope for in a Metroid game at E3? Prime? 2D Super Metroid style? Other M style? Something crazy like Metroid Racing?
06/07/14, 04:04   

Metroid prime 4.

With 40% more scanning.
06/07/14, 04:26   
@DrFinkelstein Well preferably it wouldn't try to mimic a past game, but I have no real preference. I think the Prime series has run its course, I wouldn't mind seeing a different type of 3D Metroid. A side-scroller on 3DS would probably be ideal, the DS didn't have a proper Metroid title so the handheld line is due for another good Metroid game like what we saw on GBA.
06/07/14, 04:30   
@Mop it up

I wasn't intending to put your answer in a box but having a simile-game could help frame direction. The GBA Metroid was good (at least the one I played, Zero Mission I think it was...whatever one was an Ambassador entry). I'd want another Prime game, but not with that story or whatever. Same kind of gameplay, seen in glorious HD and with atmosphere not yet seen on Nintendo's console. In tandem, I'd also love a 3DS side-scroller.
06/07/14, 04:52   
Expected - 2pts:
-Zelda U appearance
-New NFC Game
-Bayonetta 2 coming this year
-Hyrule Warriors coming this year
-new 1st party 3DS game demonstration
-Reggie meme

Rumored - 4pts:
-NFC for Smash Bros.
-Majora's Mask 3D
-Miyamoto's new IP
-Yarn Yoshi reappearance
-new HD remake

High Risk - 6pts:
-New Metroid title
-Mario Kart DLC

MEGATON - 10pts:
-Monster Hunter Cuatro Último Wii U

BONUS - 50pts:

tempted to go with Pokemon Snap or No More Heroes, but I just couldn't raise my own hopes like that...
06/07/14, 07:40   
Lock down the Zelda U predictions.

06/07/14, 10:06   

So wait, do we have to press A and Start to suck a dick?
06/07/14, 17:58   
A) Expected : 2pts

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance
04) Bayonetta 2 confirmed for this year (US)
05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

B) Rumored : 4pts

09) Yarn Yoshi reappearance
10) NFC used in Smash Brothers
06/09/14, 07:15   
Thanks for doing this again!

A) Expected : 2pts

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance

03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration

04) Bayonetta 2 confirmed for this year (US)

05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

07) Zelda U to release 2015

09) Reggie meme

B) Rumored : 4pts

01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

04) New HD re-release

09) Yarn Yoshi reappearance

10) NFC used in Smash Brothers

C) High risk: 6 pts

05) Mario Kart track/mode/character DLC

07) Previously unnannounced 1st party U game for 2014 (physical)

D) MEGATON : 10 pts

10) QOL platform
06/09/14, 07:30   
A) Expected : 2pts

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance

02) New NFC game unveiled

03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration

05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

08) New Gamepad focused games

09) Reggie meme

B) Rumored : 4pts

01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

04) New HD re-release

08) New IP from Miyamoto team

09) Yarn Yoshi reappearance

10) NFC used in Smash Brothers

C) High risk: 6 pts

02) New Mario series or spin-off (not a sequel)

05) Mario Kart track/mode/character DLC

06) New 3rd party Wii U exclusive (physical)

07) Previously unnannounced 1st party U game for 2014 (physical)

D) MEGATON : 10 pts

08) Intelligent Systems bringing Paper Mario or Fire Emblem to Wii U
06/09/14, 08:19   
I'm feeling lucky.

A) Expected : 2pts

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance

02) New NFC game unveiled

03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration

04) Bayonetta 2 confirmed for this year (US)

05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

06) Anniversary promotion

08) New Gamepad focused games

09) Reggie meme

10) No graphs

B) Rumored : 4pts

01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

02) Majora's Mask remake for 3DS

04) New HD re-release

08) New IP from Miyamoto team

10) NFC used in Smash Brothers

C) High risk: 6 pts

01) New Metroid title

02) New Mario series or spin-off (not a sequel)

03) X confirmed for 2014 in the US

04) Wii U release of Bayonetta 1

05) Mario Kart track/mode/character DLC

07) Previously unnannounced 1st party U game for 2014 (physical)

09) Next Level Games new project

D) MEGATON : 10 pts

02) New 3DS model

03) Galaxy 3 or Prime 4

06/09/14, 14:18   
Edited: 06/09/14, 14:19
Nintendo. Digital. Event.

Can such a generic sounding package contain megatons? And can you, dear reader, predict them?

This year's E3 presentation livestreams on June 10th at 9am PT, 12pm EST, 5pm BST. With only a few days to go, now's the time to unleash your Nintendo Nostradamus and enter the 2014 Predict-a-ton!


How To Play:

Here are four sets of statements, grouped by megaton-osity. Pick whichever you think will come true. (choose as MANY as you like eg. A01, A03, A13, B02, B03, C5...)

But choose wisely! These predictions are increasingly valuable and increasingly risky. Correct picks win you points, incorrect picks lose you points. Can you score more than 0? Many have tried and failed. Last year's winner was infinitywave with a suspiciously record +24 points.

Please post your predictions by the end of June 9th.

No editing.

Any statements that are officially confirmed in advance of the presentation will be grayed out and you won't be able to pick them after that, so it might help to get your guesses in early.

For the purposes of this challenge, all information that surfaces during the course of E3 will be taken into account. That includes the Digital Event, Treehouse streaming, press meetings, showfloor revelations, interviews, online news, and any additional announcements before the doors close.

A) Expected : 2pts

01) Legend of Zelda U appearance

02) New NFC game unveiled

03) New 1st party 3DS game demonstration

04) Bayonetta 2 confirmed for this year (US)

05) Hyrule Warriors confirmed for this year (US)

07) Zelda U to release 2015

08) New Gamepad

B) Rumored : 4pts

01) Legend of Zelda U trailer!

02) Majora's Mask remake for 3DS

04) New HD rerelease.

07) S.T.E.A.M. unveiled

08) New IP from Miyamoto team

09) Yarn Yoshi reappearance

10) NFC used in Smash Brothers

C) High risk: 6 pts

01) New Metroid title

02) New Mario series or spin-off (not a sequel)

05) Mario Kart track/mode/character DLC

06) New 3rd party Wii U exclusive (physical)

07) Previously unnannounced 1st party U game for 2014 (physical)

D) MEGATON : 10 pts

01) Zelda U for 2014

08) Intelligent Systems bringing Paper Mario or Fire Emblem to Wii U

09) EA support

10) QOL platform

Bonus Prediction: (OPTIONAL)

Choose ONE franchise from: Advance Wars
06/09/14, 16:42   
Sorry for the lack of editing in the above post. I thought I deleted more stuff. That's what I get for editing on my phone while on vacation.
06/09/14, 16:46   
A) Expected : 2pts

02) New NFC game unveiled

03) New 1st party 3DS game

08) New Gamepad focused games

10) No graphs

B) Rumored : 4pts

C) High risk: 6 pts

01) New Metroid title

02) New Mario series or spin-off (not a sequel)

05) Mario Kart track/mode/character DLC

07) Previously unnannounced 1st party U game for 2014 (physical)

09) Next Level Games new project

D) MEGATON : 10 pts


06/09/14, 16:55   
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