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Mario Kart 8 Discussion (Nintendo Wii U) [game]
9.14/10 from 37 user ratings |
Welcome to the official discussion thread for Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U!
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This May, one game will define MULTIPLAYER FUN on Wii U. That game, is Mario Kart 8!
 Mario Kart has been a Nintendo staple since it's SNES debut over two decades ago. Only two Nintendo products neglected to have an entry and each entry that has existed is a charming title in someone's eyes. Entries like Double Dash on Gamecube helped push the boundaries of creativity and uniqueness, while more recent titles have continued to refine a core experience. Mario Kart 8 seeks to continue that trend with it's jaw-dropping HD visuals, Anti-gravity racing, and incredibly well-designed tracks.  With all the characters known, the deep customization possibilities to each individual racer, the classic 32-total track count... there's so much to discuss and share and debate. Reviews are just coming in now and while I'll post a few below but they're not all gushing with pride. User Stephen recently made a thread aiming to have a more comprehensive list of reviews available. So... Are you impressed with the Mario Kart TV feature, excited for the Super Horn, or bummed at how battle mode has changed? Share your thoughts on the game below, now, upon release, and well after! Below you'll find a list of Nintendo Network IDs as compiled by our own Mop It Up! Be sure your friends are added to your console! Mop It Up's NNID List of Mario Kart 8 Players
(Negative World Username) - (NNID) Abdooooo - Abdooooo Anand - AnandX anon_mastermind - Mastermind85 Brick - Brick20 Brook - Ice-Insignia canonj - canonj chrisbg99 - chrisbg99 chrisguy - chrisguy Cooliocuneo - Cooliocuneo Cryojin - Cryojin Cubed777 - C77777 DeputyVanHalen - DeputyVanHalen DrFinkelstein - a00link Earendil - Ear3ndil EagleC83 - EagleC83 gamewizard65 - gamewizard65 Guillaume - Pandareus Hero_of_Hyrule - Deku_Scrub Jargon - Hendrik -JKR- - JKRiki kgtennispro - kgtennispro kriswright - kriswright legendofalex - Alistair ludist210 - Ludist210 Mop it up - Mop_it_up Nate38 - VictorVonPlugman Octorockin - NoseyTengu ploot - Realploot PogueSquadron - PogueSquadron pokepal148 - pokepal148 Rebonack - rebonack Scrawnton - Scrawnton SeVeN CDN - SeVeNCDN Smerd - Smerd20 Stratos - Chronocast stephen - stephen087 Super_Conzo - Super_Conzo thefly - LeaveLuck2Heaven TheOldManFromZelda - OldManFromZelda TK_Thunder - The_Trish Tranquilo - Arponare VofEscaflowne - VofEscaflowne
Reviews Eurogamer - 10/10
Game Informer - 9.25/10 Destructoid - 9.0/10 IGN - 9.0/10 Joystiq - 4.5/5 Nintendo Life - 9/10 Polygon - 9.0/10
GameTrailers - 8.6/10 Gamespot - 8.0/10 Giant Bomb - 4/5
NintendoWorldReport.com - 7.5/10URL to share (right click and copy)
05/16/14, 03:52 Edited: 06/28/14, 23:37
@Mop it upAh kk thx. Down for the themed games. It always bugs me in games when people always main the best stuff just because it's the best. I find it silly to depend on a crutch such as that. And do people always feel the need to win? People who always go to the heavy classes and very best cars seems a bit cowardly to me. I can win with whatever kart with the lightest classes and I'm not tied down to any character or kart. One would think variety and challenge would be a fun thing to strive for. My brother himself seems to always favor the heavy classes and my friend in COD always goes for what he knows will make/help him win. In fact I often use WORSE stuff because if you win like that you really know what you're made of. |
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