Currently renting this from GameFly. I haven't spent a ton of time with it yet, but it seems like the perfect game to train one's Tetris skills with. So many different modes working different parts of your Tetris brain... I'm tempted to buy it and spend an hour or two with it every day for the next few months just so I can become some sort of Tetris master. Because, you know, it's Tetris.
This is actually one game that I think would benefit from in-game challenges or achievements; they'd give the game more structure and let you know what to work towards. There's so much to do in this game, it's almost overwhelming! Games like Rock Band 3 and Brawl manage their gargantuan amount of content with a ton of challenges, and I like having those to help me keep track of my progress. They'd be nice here too.
Definitely gonna have to sink some time into this bad boy.
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