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Shin Megami Tensei IV Discussion (Nintendo 3DS) [game]
I had decided to give the DLC a try right off the bat. If I was going to put some trust into a DLC structure, it was going to be if Nintendo AND Atlus were offering it. I was pleasantly surprised.
SMT4 has the temptation of "Pay To Win" DLC, with the balance of "Paying won't let you win". For those people that need DLC, Atlus is happy to take your money. For those of you worried that it'll make the game too easy for certain people, you don't have to worry as much. Example, there's a DLC quest that grants you easy access to XP-items. You can gain 20 levels, only to realize that you can still be quickly-killed by low level demons if you plan your moves wrongly. It's not like Pokémon where you can just outlevel the type-difference. Similarly, there are DLC for other resources, and easy ways to squander or lose those resources without the proper play-experience that lets you manage it. It seems like the easy-resource-DLC is meant for 2nd or 3rd playthroughs.
Then there is actual content DLC. These are usually denoted by "This DLC pertains to the main quest, it is recommended that you reach end-game or post-game status before you attempt this quest". Again, this seems to have been planned for those who just genuinely want more SMT4 after they've completed the story. |
This game really surprises me sometimes. I wanted to recruit a demon, then as soon as I start talking to it, I realize he's over my level, so it won't work even if I succeed in sweet-talking him. So I'm just mashing A through the dialogue options trying to get him to run away or something. Somehow, he accepts all my banter, and when realizes he is over my level, switches out with one of his "friends", another demon, one I've never seen before, who joins my team right away. Freaking awesome Anyways, this game is pretty good. It's much deeper than I care for in an RPG (hey, I'm a casual, so what?), but I'm enoying it a lot by playing it on easy difficulty. I still die from time to time. I just have a hard time figuring out where to go next sometimes. But I'm playing with an FAQ close at hand now, so it's all good. Catching and fusing demons is really fun. Makes me wish you could fuse Pokémon! |
So I finished the game with 2 out of the 4 endings (the "nothing" ending and the "chaos" ending). Really cool game. I liked the story, the gameplay, the voice work and music, and mostly the demon design and artwork is just out of this world. Not gonna lie, though, I'm glad to be "done" (mainly because I want to move on to other games), can't see myself playing thru for the "Law" ending and the neutral ending. I read up on them and it seems like something I would expect. I had to vary the difficulty along the way, it's too hard at the start and then gets too easy in the middle, and goes back to being hard at the end. I guess I haven't really scratched the surface of demon fusion yet, since apparently you can fuse 4 demons into one??? Either way, I had fun with that aspect of the game, too.
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