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Ace Attorney 5 : Phoenix Wright is back!
News reported by 
September 05, 2012, 01:51
Apollo who?

AA5 is coming to 3DS with Phoenix back as the main character.

from GoNintendo

Another one of Capcom's big reveals in this week's Famitsu is Ace Attorney 5 for 3DS. We knew that the title was coming, but now we know it's going to land on the 3DS. We don't have many details right now, but it seems that this title will be considered a new start for the series.

Other good news, Phoenix Wright is going to be the main character, but he'll have a new female partner that is central to the story.

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09/05/12, 01:51   Edited:  09/05/12, 02:53
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
Can't wait to play through the first four! Amanda and I want to jump into Ace Attorney (though more specifically, Ghost Trick) after we finish up L.A. Noire.

Posted by 
 on: 09/05/12, 18:11

Yay! Confirmed for NA *excited*

can't link for some reason :/

Posted by 
 on: 09/06/12, 03:53   Edited:  09/06/12, 03:54

Press the 'link' button.

Oh my goodness, best news of 2012.

Posted by 
 on: 09/06/12, 03:56
Thanks for not being dumb Capcom

Posted by 
 on: 09/06/12, 03:59
Some more images.

Posted by 
 on: 09/06/12, 06:47
nate38 said:
Thanks for not being dumb Capcom

For once.

Ahhh... glad to see this is coming to our shores. I can sleep easy tonight.

Posted by 
 on: 09/07/12, 23:13
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