I actually liked Kirby Returns to Dreamland. Straightforward and casual. The new version makes the tone more serious. I also like Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land. I really hope they don't change them.
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 06:03 |
Super Mario Land 3D would sound terrible. Sounds like a remake of a mediocre game. I do prefer "Returns", but it's not a huge change. Game still looks great, and the title is still better than "Kirby Wii".
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 06:16 |
@casper884I don't agree with your Super Mario 3d Land opinion but Kirby: Return to Dreamland sounds way more serious than Returns to Dreamland. I don't even know why!
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 06:37 |
"Kirby Returns to Dreamland" sounds sort of like the title of a story more than a video game. I kind of like both, but I think I might prefer the current one.
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 06:54 |
MightyOwned said:@casper884 Kirby: Return to Dreamland sounds way more serious than Returns to Dreamland.
I don't even know why! Kirby: Return to Oz....I mean Dreamland.
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 07:01 |
Maybe I'm crazy but I don't think the S makes a whole lot of difference. And I guess the only positive thing about Super Mario 3D Land is that they aren't using the word "New" anymore? "New" sounds great upon release, but a year or two later? New Super Mario Bros. isn't exactly new. Maybe they should've called it "NewER" Super Mario Bros.?
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on: 08/14/11, 09:27 |
@PogueSquadronThat's why it's genius. "Let's see, what would Billy want for his Birthday... oh! NEW Super Mario Bros.! It's NEW!!! He'll love this!"
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on: 08/14/11, 09:35 |
@Secret_Tunnel Haha, yeah, I understand that. It'll just sound sillier as time goes on. From a marketing perspective, yeah, it's pretty genius. I wonder when they'll do "New Wii Sports." Or maybe they could put "New Wii Sports" on the DS, and then make a Wii came called "New Wii Sports Wii." Man, I should've went into marketing.
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on: 08/14/11, 09:47 |
I like Kirby Returns to Dreamland.
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on: 08/14/11, 12:20 |
Alice: Return to Madness
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on: 08/14/11, 14:56 |
@rebonackSuper Mario Land is freakin' sweet. That game is a blast, and one of my favorite platformers ever. Not mediocre.
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 15:43 |
NEW Super Kirby Kong Country Returns to Dream 3D Land
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 18:31 |
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 21:44 |
@GameDadGrant My feelings about the game aside, I think Super Mario Land 3D would be a bad title (even if it sounds better than Super Mario 3D Land). Nintendo's had enough trouble selling 3DSes based on the fact that people think its just a marginal upgrade of the old DS, and I think SML3D would suffer from the same problem (sounding like a remake of SML). And that might be the reason they're not calling MK Mario Kart 3D either, really.
Posted by |
on: 08/14/11, 22:32 |
How about we stop putting shit like 64, Wii and 3D on titles, period? Lazy ass naming schemes...
Posted by |
on: 08/15/11, 01:10 |
casper884 said:I actually liked Kirby Returns to Dreamland. Straightforward and casual. The new version makes the tone more serious.
I also like Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land. I really hope they don't change them. This ^ Xbob42 said:How about we stop putting 64, Wii and 3D on titles, period? Lazy naming schemes... Yeah I kinda think someone in Nintendo wants to make sure parents know that Mario Kart Wii (one random example) is a different game than the other Mario Kart game their kid asked for a year or two ago. idk
Posted by |
on: 08/15/11, 01:42 |
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08/15/11, 01:43 |
Super Mario Dimension. I mean, where else can you go from space? To another dimension, obv.
Posted by |
on: 08/15/11, 01:43 |
nate38 said:Super Mario Dimension. I mean, where else can you go from space? To another dimension, obv. Don't you think that sounds a bit The Matrix-ish? With a title like that, I fully expect Mario to be dodging Bullet Bills in slow motion and jumping over 1000 kilometer gaps. Too sci-fi-ish. EDIT: Oh, god, I just had a flash of Super Mario Wii U. Please God, don't let them turn the next home console Mario into something like this!
Posted by |
on: 08/15/11, 02:16 |
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08/15/11, 02:20 |
@nate38 & @casper884. We already have Super Mario Galaxy, so why not Super Mario Universe.
Posted by |
on: 08/15/11, 03:32 |
@sirmastersephirothSuper Mario U-niverse Surely this is the title for Mario Wii U.
Posted by |
on: 08/15/11, 04:27 |