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Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure (Nintendo SNES) Review
Review by 
6/10 from one rating

"The Lord created the Fart. Then put a smell in it so the deaf could enjoy it."

Redd Foxx said that. It made me laugh.

Now, if you think it seems desperate to start my Boogerman review by stealing another man's fart joke, well, aren't you a perceptive little fart? Truth is, trying to make sense of Boogerman in 2011 has, indeed, made me a little desperate. I'll admit it. I'm desperate like a preacher who just farted in the middle of his sermon. Verily, verily.

So let's stick to other people's fart jokes for a second, eh? Here's George Carlin talking about farts. Talking about farts, I believe, at Carnegie Hall.

Farts are funny. Farts are fun. Farts are a part of every day life. Farts are on the fire escape outside your window, trying to get in. Farts are a basic building block of humor. Every child laughs when they hear a fart and every old grandpa is known to tell a fart joke or two. And fart. Everyone farts. Even the prettiest, most-angelic girl you ever met farts like a donkey from time to time.

The earliest joke recorded in history was a fart joke, I shit you not (ha!). Pretty sure it goes back even farther than that, too. I bet every time a mammoth farted all the Cro-Magnons standing around had a big laugh about it. Those whose lungs didn't immediately evaporate from the whiff, anyway.

'Cause farts stink! Breaking news from Negative World: Farts stink. The sound of a fart is funny, of course, but surely it's the stink that started us laughing in the first place. If farts smelled like strawberries, we wouldn't laugh. We'd clap. We'd smile. We'd hire guys to fart in our cars for us. You could imagine old ladies saying, "Oh, here comes Lawrence! I hope he's brought along one of his lovely, almond farts!"

But it wasn't to be. We didn't get strawberries. We got the worst smelling guy at Burning Man. We got returning from a 2 week vacation only to discover a family of possums died in our wall. I let a fart go in bed once that was so rank, I saw my wife run from the room in a panic usually reserved for fires or the spontaneous outbreak of war. If I'd had a camera I could probably sell that photo to Life Magazine. Try to pass it off as something that happened in Afghanistan. Except my wife would have spoiled the whole effect because she was laughing the whole time.

That pretty much proves farts are funny, even once-in-a-lifetime stink bombs like that. (My wife just read this and remarked, "That better have been once in a lifetime.")

You know what ain't funny, though? Mediocre platformers from the 16-bit era. And now that I have to buckle down and take you through Boogerman, I kind of wish I could just keep telling fart jokes.

Okay, let me clear the air (har har) with the obvious point: His name is Boogerman, not Fartman. So I get it if you're wondering why I'm focusing on farts. Surely I should be repeating all of Redd Foxx's booger jokes, instead. Well, first and foremost: Boogerman may have this whole booger theme going on, but he also farts. And second and foremost: There's not really anything particularly funny about wiping boogers on people. Or, if there is, it's pretty situational. Maybe wiping a booger on Hitler is funny, but I'm sad to report nothing like that happens in Boogerman.

Get used to levels that look like this

Instead, we get some weird story about a guy who… look, do you really want me to go through this? Boogerman is a superhero who has to save the day by throwing boogers, hocking loogies, belching gas and farting anal fumes on the bad guys. His nemesis, Booger Meister, has stolen a macguffin crystal that has something to do with pollution, because it was 1994 and every single animated bad guy was primarily interested in polluting the Earth as much as possible. So Boogerman assaults Booger Meister's booger-encrusted home world of Dimension X-crement to use his boogers to defeat all manner of boogiemen who largely appear to be made out of boogers.

I'm sure I just made that sound super appealing, but it's really not.

That Oscar Worthy Story™ is coupled with gameplay that's about as mediocre as it gets. If Boogerman was an ice-cream flavor - and if the FDA decreed that that flavor couldn't be boogers - it would surely be some version of vanilla. Not like a luxurious French Vanilla or life-affirming Homemade Vanilla, more like that huge tub of Bargain Vanilla whose actual flavor is best described as "cold".

So, no, inspiration is not the hallmark of Boogerman. Beyond a few nice touches - like the nose warps, a few hidden secrets, and the blocked off caves that you open by blowing the debris away with a mighty wind - there's not much going on beyond usual genre stuff. You're going to spend the whole game shooting enemies, jumping to platforms and collecting a bunch of crap. (More specifically, digging through literal crap to collect figurative crap.)

As far as fighting enemies goes, it's nothing special. Boogerman's powers are mapped to 3 buttons, which I suspect is to make the game compatible with the original 3-button Genesis controller. That's a shame because this game, in particular, could have benefited from more variety on that score. Since I played the SNES version, I had plenty of button real estate that went unused, apart from an unnecessary taunt mapped to the Y button. I'm not really complaining about that taunt, though, as I appreciated the quirkiness of a button that does nothing apart from making Boogerman do something gross. Unfortunately the taunt is just Boogerman saying, "Booger" and pointing in the air, which I'm pretty sure makes it the least gross thing he does in the game. As Guillaume pointed out to me, that button should have just made different fart sounds. Guillaume should develop games.

There's also this rare attack, that's funny while it lasts, I guess

I definitely commend the team on the quality of the sprite animation, which is pretty above average throughout. But the actual fighting mechanic isn't much fun in practice. For most enemies, one booger is enough to finish them off, and since enemy placement is fairly predictable I found myself often firing a booger off before anything had even scrolled on the screen. Most of the time I hit a target.

And I can't be the only one who wonders how a single booger can cause these goblins to pop like balloons. They all seem to be made out of the stuff, anyway, so I'd think trying to kill them with boogers would be like trying to kill off Gumby by throwing Play-Doh at him. Surely it should only make them into stronger, uber booger goblins. Unless we've got some kind of matter/anti-matter thing going on here. Maybe Dimension X-crement is an anti-matter universe where no booger from our world can exist in the same space as a booger from theirs. But I'm sure I'm overthinking this, now.

The actual platforming is below average for the period. A large percentage of the game seems designed using the basic philosophy of drawing a few platforms here and there and then putting enemies on them, without getting too hung up about it. I want to be fair to the designers of this game: it's not awful, but you're not exactly getting Yoshi's Island, either. Also, the platform detection can be a little off at times. This was an all-too-common problem during this era of games and, to be fair, Boogerman isn't as bad as some of the worst offenders you could list. It's a minor problem, here, but it's still frustrating to time a jump only to find out that you can't actually land on that little clump of grass at the edge of the platform. There are some toxic waste barrels floating in some of the bonus rooms where you can land on one side but not the other. It's that sort of thing. If you've played any middleweight platformer from the mid-nineties, you know what I'm talking about. Boogerman isn't an exception.

What kind of freaky S&M crap is this?

Apart from the platforming, Boogerman has a number of boss battles. I liked these a little better than the levels, though they were a bit harder than I'd expect for a game with the demographic this game is aimed at. The bosses are big, colorful, well-animated and require a bit of patience to fight. And, in a strange turnabout, the first boss is actually the hardest and the final boss is the easiest. That couldn't have been the original idea.

Since I'm talking about the bosses, let me rattle off our Boogerman Rogues Gallery: Hick Boy, Revolta, Fly Boy, Deoder Ant, and Booger Meister. That's it. You've got 5 bosses and two of them have the word "boy" in their name. Did no one wonder if that looked lazy? Here, free idea: How about "Fly Guy"? It rhymes and it lampoons the usual superhero naming convention at the same time.

And that gets at what I found most frustrating about Boogerman. For a game with such a ridiculous premise, there isn't actually a lot of creativity on display. It's almost as if Interplay went with the first idea they had, every time. Like they had one meeting, over lunch, wrote a few ideas down on a napkin, and then went straight back and made that exact game without ever refining any of those ideas into something truly witty or interesting.

Case in point: Boogerman's a superhero and yet the game does nothing with it. There's no attempt to parody Superman or Batman or Spiderman or any existing superhero or comic book trope. And this was 1994, a time when Superman was dead, The Punisher was accepted as an actual hero, every issue had a "collectible" foil cover and the whole hero genre was absolutely ripe for parody. But don't look for anything like that here. The fact Boogerman is a superhero is almost superfluous. He could be Booger Lifeguard or Booger Traveling Salesman and the whole game would make just as much sense.

And, okay… the farting. As you can probably tell by this point, I think farts are funny. I'm not uptight about this stuff. Let a fart go and I'll probably laugh. But farts aren't funny for 3 hours straight, which is about the time it took me to complete Boogerman. If you want to keep the laughs coming with a concept like this, you've got to provide the right context for those farts. Look at that Carlin routine again. His stories are funny because he contextualizes the process of farting in a funny way. So does Redd Foxx. Just because Boogerman is trafficking in gross-out humor doesn't mean it can't be witty in its own low-brow way. Even the Garbage Pail Kids, a direct influence on Boogerman, prove that's possible. And while, this…

…maybe doesn't qualify as satire, it at least uses the gross-out material in an original way. And that makes it funny. If Boogerman could have provided fresh new context throughout the game for all those fart/belching/booger jokes, I'm certain it could have kept me entertained. Instead, it's just the same thing from start to finish - farting for farting's sake - and that completely ruins all the potential in the concept. It's the difference between being half-witted and no-witted. Low-brow and no-brow. Farting and just shitting your pants.

But, if I'm honest with you, the biggest problem I actually have with Boogerman is that it doesn't have the good sense to be either a really good game or a laughably bad game.

If it was really good, I could bring it up as a game that didn't get a fair shake. I could say, straight-faced, "You'd think Boogerman would be flush-the-toilet horrible, but it's actually a solid little platformer. There's a wry wit to the whole thing that elevates it above the gross-out stuff you see on the surface. No one will admit it, though, because they don't want to be the first person to show up to that particular party." But no dice. If you catch me saying anything that kind about Boogerman, you'll know I'm either drunk or being heroically passive-aggressive.

Now if it was laughably bad, then we could have a lot of fun with Boogerman in other ways. This is what I'd secretly hoped to discover, to be honest. I wanted to see and hear things that were in such horrible taste that I'd throw down the controller, puke, and then have to start the level over again (okay, the digging around in shit came close). I wanted to see slow down and misspelled words. I wanted to discover that Someone At Corporate ordered the boogers to be colored blue because of something the focus group said. I wanted to be at some geeky party and be able to say, "If "E.T." is the 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' of the video game world, surely 'Boogerman' is gaming's 'Glenn or Glenda'." But, again, no dice.

The truth is, Boogerman is nothing more than a mediocre platformer with a gross-out gimmick and better-than-usual animations. That's basically it. In 2011, I can't think of a sensible reason to go back to it, and that makes me sad because I actually did have some hope that I'd enjoy it. But Boogerman just breaks wind and breaks my heart.

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07/27/11, 06:31   Edited:  07/27/11, 06:48
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Reading this, I was deeply moved. And so were my bowels.

The review is easily funnier than the game. YOU should be a game designer!

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 06:42
We should both design games. Boogerman games.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 06:43

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 06:57
Even in 1994/1995 when I was 12 I did not see the appeal of this game at all. It is like they thought since Earthworm Jim had some gross gags, a whole game based on gross gags would be a winner.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 08:45
I loved this game as a kid.

I loved it on the Genesis, though.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 13:51   Edited:  07/27/11, 17:29
Boogerman was an erstwhile Genesis exclusive. But he eventually came to the SNES, because this world has a kind and benevolent God.

Anyway, amazing review! I like it because it reminds me of being young and having no responsibilities.

That napkin is beautiful. And the numbers seem to check out.

I know you tried to make the game sound poor, but I kind of want it more now. You can see why the game got greenlit in the first place. It's a can't miss concept, really. And the platforming difficulties are the necessary trade-off for that large, lovely Boogerman sprite. You can't get something that beautiful for free.

It seems like Boogerman is the videogame equivalent of that online comic that is drawn by an illustrator, but written by his five-year-old brother.

I do not remember that Garbage Pail Kid card. It's horrifying. I'm still going to eat my daily piece of cake today, but it's gonna be difficult.

(It is SO gross when possums die in the crawlspace. The stink lasts for weeks. They're huge!)

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 18:03
I think I rented this once and wasn't very impressed. Funny game though, and I'd probably still laugh at it today.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 18:11

It's a can't miss concept that they missed.

Don't buy yet! Wait for my review tonight! If one funny review doesn't convince you that it's mediocre, maybe my less funny review will!

Also, I'll let you play it for 5 mins in NYC. But only 5 mins.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 18:14
This may be the best review on NW if only for the humor in it. Epic win, sir.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 18:34
Damn, ANOTHER Boogerman review?? Could Boogerman Week get any better?

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 18:46
Cool review Kris! I will always remember this game as being one of my least favorite pull-out posters in Nintendo Power. I think I still have that poster around here somewhere.

Awesome napkin; loved how you tied it into the review as you analyzed the weaknesses of this mediocre platformer.

Garbage Pail Kids were pretty sick man. My parents wouldn't have ever let me collect them.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 19:30
Do you guys remember Madballs(z?)? They're back!

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 20:25

Heck yeah I remember Madballs! I loved them as a kid.

They're coming back? Nice.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 20:35
Excellent review@kriswright! I think your comedic skills are pretty good. You should write this for a living.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 20:52
ludist210 said:
This may be the best review on NW if only for the humor in it. Epic win, sir.

You're too, too kind, ludist. But I'm a ham, so I'll take it! Thanks!

roykoopa64 said:
Awesome napkin; loved how you tied it into the review as you analyzed the weaknesses of this mediocre platformer.

Yeah, I actually drew the napkin first and planned to let it speak for itself, but as I was writing it occurred to me that it was worth mentioning in the text because it's just the best way I could think of to illustrate that particular point.

I actually hated the Garbage Pail Kids back when they first came out. I guess I was about 7 years old when my sister got me a pack and they were so horrifying! Not so much the boogery/farty ones but the blood-and-guts ones really scandalized me back then. Stuff like this:


Because it was like, "Hey kids! Collect some murder!"

When I got a little older, it finally struck me what they were actually all about - lampooning the ridiculous Cabbage Patch craze, which totally deserved it - so I understood why they were funny. But at the time I thought of them as terribly depraved, as if someone had come out with Serial Killer Cards or something. Strange attitude for a kid to have.

Always liked the Madballs, though. Weird to see them resurrected. What's next?

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 21:17   Edited:  07/27/11, 21:20
@kriswright I hated the Garbage Pail kids too. I almost rented the movie once for a sleepover. One of the parents convinced us that it wasn't appropriate and we ended up renting Monster Squad instead. Have not regretted it once.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 23:17
Yeah, Monster Squad! You should have absolutely no regrets about that. It's such a better movie.

Thanks for the kind words, too. I'm a big fan of your reviews, so it means a lot. This Boogerman one is sort of style-over-substance compared to what you usually do. I have no illusions about that.

Posted by 
 on: 07/27/11, 23:23
Haha, yeah! I have the one in the upper left. I saw them on top of a Pez dispenser. And there is actually an XBLA game that's based on the license!

God, Madballs are so ingenious. Why would kids ever play with any other ball?

I always found the Garbage Pail Kids hilarious. Almost on a par with Weird Al Yankovic.

Posted by 
 on: 07/28/11, 00:43
you rule Kris..
great review.

This whole thread has become a huge flashback .... first the 'kids' ..then the meatballs.. wow.

Although no matter how many times I see this in Conker... I still laugh and have not laughed more about shit/fart noises since...

Posted by 
 on: 07/28/11, 04:55
kriswright said:
Yeah, Monster Squad! You should have absolutely no regrets about that. It's such a better movie.

Thanks for the kind words, too. I'm a big fan of your reviews, so it means a lot. This Boogerman one is sort of style-over-substance compared to what you usually do. I have no illusions about that.

Thanks. Though, to be fair, I've only written two reviews. One for OOT3D and one for the 3DS system. I usually write a lot of Top Tens and the occasional editorial. The next review I do is going to be for a small game. It's going to be very short too. There's not much to say about the game either.

Your review actually had me laughing out loud. And I think it was very fitting that I was reading it on my phone in the bathroom of all places.

Posted by 
 on: 07/28/11, 06:49
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