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02/17/11, 21:28 |
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02/17/11, 23:29 |
@ZeroThe cards represent the characters themselves and the AR games have to be specifically programmed to use them. The '?' card can be used as a general purpose card though.
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on: 02/18/11, 08:29 |
@AbdoooooWell, theoretically that's possible, as the camera can recognize the unique identity of both cards at the same time.
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on: 02/18/11, 08:32 |
Wait... there are 6 cards, but how many AR games are there built in?
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on: 02/18/11, 08:54 |
@ZeroSix. 1. Target Shooting 2. Mii Viewer 3. [Nintendo Mascot] Star Viewer 4. Some game that plays like Billiards 5. Unlockable 6. Unlockable Of course, Nintendo could very well make full-fledged AR games in the future using the Nintendo Mascot cards.
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on: 02/18/11, 09:09 |
What is Face Raiders then?
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on: 02/18/11, 09:17 |
@ZeroA separate, full game that's also pre-loaded on the system. But it's not included in the AR games channel.
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on: 02/18/11, 10:04 |
So how many of these come with launch? This will be a great way to blow peoples' minds. Fuck I feel stupider and stupider as each day goes on for not preordering. Am I really not gonna get one on launch?!
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on: 02/18/11, 13:17 |
There are the 6 above coming with the system plus the awesome game Face Raiders comes built in. Despite not having a packied in cartridge there should be plenty to do without one.
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on: 02/18/11, 13:37 |
I wonder if Nintendo will sell AR card packs separately like they did with the e-cards back in the day.
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on: 02/18/11, 16:21 |
anon_mastermind said:I wonder if Nintendo will sell AR card packs separately like they did with the e-cards back in the day. I imagine thats a given, hopefully they will also have some exclusive cards for Club Nintendo members. I wonder if you need the specific card or if printing out copies like eye of judgement would work just as well. Is printing out copies of the cards morally acceptable? I smell the piracy brigade jumping in here
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on: 02/18/11, 16:26 |
A NeoGaf post clarifies some of this: "The ? card launches the program in AR games. You’re then given six options for six games. One of those games places Miis into the real world. You can move them around with the stick and change their pose with face buttons. Sadly there’s no animation – it’s like static statues. You can also move around in real space to change the angle of the look you have on them, and then take photos of the Miis. There’s also a program which lets you do the same. All those cards do is bring Samus, Kirby, Mario etc out into the world. Again – static statues, and you can change their pose with the fact buttons. You can also take pictures. I managed to get all the cards/characters to appear at once, which I thought was quite cool. There’s some cool sound effects from their games when the characters appear, too."
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on: 02/18/11, 17:25 |
Thats a bit of a shame although cool for photos I suppose. Shame they aren't mini games.
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on: 02/18/11, 17:30 |
I assume they stay still to look like their really in the real world. If you have characters moving with the user moving the camera in real ti....wait a minute, they have all the necessary tech inside to make this work!
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on: 02/18/11, 23:45 |
@SimbabbadJust so we're clear, this isn't a technical limitation of the cards. Nintendo just decided to make Star Viewer into something like trophy mode from Smash Bros. In other words, it was solely a design decision. We know they can do it since the first AR mode (Target Shooting) is completely animated, as well as Nintendogs + cats AR mode. It's still perfectly possible for them to make animated characters/environments using the cards. Plus, we have no idea what the other 2 unlockable AR modes are. EDIT: Basically what I'm getting at is that I don't think it's absurd that the characters aren't animated when they very well could be in another mode/game.
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on: 02/19/11, 01:41 |
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02/19/11, 01:48 |
It can't really be a missed opportunity if it's something they've already done/are doing. That was my point. We don't know what the unlockable AR modes are or if it's a AR game that will be released in the future. I don't really see what's so bizarre about that. Also, not everyone has trophies of their favorite Nintendo characters, and even if they did, they couldn't make them take various poses for pictures. This is simply a 'photo fun' mode, and in this particular mode, it makes sense that they aren't animated--you want figures perfectly still when you take a picture of them. Now, if they were in a game, and were not animated, then I would completely agree with you.
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on: 02/19/11, 02:00 |
casper884 said:It can't really be a missed opportunity if it's something they've already done/are doing. That was my point. We don't know what the unlockable AR modes are or if it's a AR game that will be released in the future. I don't really see what's so bizarre about that.
Also, not everyone has trophies of their favorite Nintendo characters, and even if they did, they couldn't make them take various poses for pictures. This is simply a 'photo fun' mode, and in this particular mode, it makes sense that they aren't animated--you want figures perfectly still when you take a picture of them.
Now, if they were in a game, and were not animated, then I would completely agree with you. We know what the modes are they are, Shooting, Star Viewer, Mii Viewer, Billiards, Fishing and Grafitti.
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on: 02/19/11, 02:08 |
@warerareAhh, ok. Well, this is how I see it. For Star Viewer mode, I don't have a problem with the characters being figurines. It makes sense. If I want Mario to jump in the air for a certain pose, it would be much easier to take of picture of him this way, and place him precisely where I want him in the picture. Now, if this was a game, it would be totally unacceptable for them not to be animated. The cards are packed-in with the system. The chances of them appearing in a future AR game are high.
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on: 02/19/11, 02:14 |
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02/19/11, 02:32 |
@SimbabbadMiis don't run around either. EDIT: And no, them appearing as figurines in a STAR VIEWER (i.e. PICTURE TAKING) mode doesn't not seem absurd or bizarre to me. EDIT: Just so we're clear, you can manually move the Nintendo characters around the environment (or even walk around them to capture them at a different angle), but they just don't animate when you move them. Same with the Miis in their Mii Viewer mode.
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on: 02/19/11, 02:15 |
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02/19/11, 02:25 |
@SimbabbadApparently it's not the whole point of the gadget if Nintendo sees fit to make a picture taking mode. What's wrong with having both? You think that's the end of those character cards? EDIT: Btw, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but the majority of people don't know how to photoshop to save their lives.
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on: 02/19/11, 02:41 |
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02/19/11, 02:47 |
@casper884With Nintendo, honestly, there's always a chance it could be. I mean, I know it's a different situation than with the e-Reader, but Nintendo has a history of unveiling something potentially very cool, doing the bare minimum with it (so much so that even us fans pass on it, waiting for Nintendo to make better use of it before biting), then scrapping it before we ever see that cool potential realized.
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on: 02/19/11, 02:45 |
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02/19/11, 02:46 |
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